Recent findings suggest that Slave labor wasn't used to build the pyramids. At one excavation site specimens where found with properly set and mended bone breaks, and other evidence of "health care" for the work force. This isn't typical of slave labor.
Your picture is still humorous though![]()
there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
Ahhh, ****. I did it again. I merged two threads into one.
Sorry about that. I read someone else's post about warforged racism, took your reply in this thread, and wove myself an intricate punch-line. It was actually a joke referencing the Tinted Faces and Chuck Norris. You weren't actually reported. But I also apparently inserted several times WARFORGED where you typed ELVES. Hmm...
I reread your post again. I take it back. I was right. It's still a very good joke. I do not apologize but you may be let-down to know you never were reported. Warforged racism is a serious error.
Bio's are like bumper stickers for your player ('my other toon is a 36pt intimitank' / 'if you can read this you are standing too close')
but I read them all... I get disappointed by people that make it to endgame and have empty bio's.
If you dont like to semi-RP or have a back story, at least use the space to list your spec/gear/raids or tell jokes... anything to keep me occupied while I wait for the run to start :P
I kinda disagree, most semi-RP's bio's i've read is about how unlucky people are. They get their fantasy families killed and are looking for revenge, fantasy family kidnapped, they lost memories and are trying to find a way to regain them. I had to make fun of that with my ranger's bio for a little bit. And don't even get me started on the "I'm the best of my clan" type of bios.
Nah it's "If you can read this you're in my Aggro Range"
(Saw it as a T-shirt)
I suppose it's a typo, but I like the mental image
And to stay in the subject, my Bbn/Rgr Belkkar Bitterleaf has 'I'm a sexy shoeless god of war'
The Bio on my Wizard started
"Five guys and a bag of dice
its Friday night's game..."
and continued thru the whole song.
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
A popular misconception. In ancient times it was considered perfectly normal to work as a slave, sell slaves, and buy slaves, since the slaves themselves were simply performing general, menial labor (like minimum wage workers of today) in exchange for room and board (instead of a wage). If you weren't a slave you were either a tradesman who owned slaves, a wealthy land-owner who owned slaves, or a homeless man (or criminal), or female. Mistreating a hard-working slave was akin to wasting a good worker, and the money you spent to obtain one, for no good reason other than to appease your ego. The stigma attached to slavery only came about in recent years thanks to mistreatment due to race.
The time between Jacob (I think, was his name?) and Moses was a long period; it was perfectly logical that the Jewish descendants of Jacob (?) who became slaves (or the slaves they owned) were treated nicely while they built the early pyramids, which goes along with the idea of 'just being found now', since they're older. It was only around the time of Moses where there was any evidence of mistreatment, which largely came about due to the pharaohs of the time. The evidence for discrimination specifically due to race was even less existent (the slaves were not just Jewish, but also of Egyptian and foreign descent), as it was largely the old testament that was used to come up with the basic history (as well as Egyptian records, which rarely talked about such 'non-issues' as slave treatment/mistreatment), which could have been colored by opinion or influenced by creative adjustments over time.
But, back on topic:
"If I had a copper for every time someone has said 'shr plz' upon joining my party, I could officially declare my bank vault to be a friggen mine, complete with official documentation, and I'd hire entrepreneurs and mining teams to come in and set up a drill or fifty."
Something to that extent.
Wf barb: "Jonath, Kenric, Tamberri, Garoudry and Ballard have taught you nothing yet."
There's a "bar" that military aren't allowed to go to in Naha on Okinawa. It involves a LOT OF GUYS, a set of dice, and a gal.... winner puts on a live show.... with the gal. Everyone else watches and drinks sake. Obviously not up to Military Standards/American Values. And no, it's not a hoola-hoop show.
Anyway, your song reminded me of that hive of scum and villainy. (Sometimes I wish I had an alternate life as a bad guy -- but who wants to play a game of dice with their Johnson. Not this guy!)