Wondering if anyone else out there had a favorite bio besides their own of course. I'd have to say my top 2 are:
"Juslim all over your face baby!" "I'm gonna run forward and aggro everything"
I put the ER in cleric
Wondering if anyone else out there had a favorite bio besides their own of course. I'd have to say my top 2 are:
"Juslim all over your face baby!" "I'm gonna run forward and aggro everything"
I put the ER in cleric
I cannot remember the source to credit him/her duly, but the absolute funniest bio I have ever read stated "I am stranded at the gas station of love and have to use the self-service pump". LOL, kills me every time.
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
Weird Al FTW!
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
Spisey McHaggis's bio
I sh!t halflings for breakfast.
**** you Spisey!
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
Tinks are good I Find myself reading ishys alot but ithink it's just beacuse I can not keep my mouse and eyes off him
I found a TR WF named "Legolas theelf" whose bio was something like "Yes I know, it was before my TR, ok ?!"
I also got praises for my own WF Fighter "CrateCrusher" whose bio is (from memory) "Me crash crates, me crash barrels, me crash vases, me crash sarpho... sagro... coffins, AND ME CRASH YOUR HEAD TOO !"![]()
I like Brenna's story a lot. Ganak's collection of poetry is also fun on his various characters. Tink's collection of quotations is hilarious.
Vorn, 30 Fighter
Idk about u guys but I think the guy that has "best pally.....period (tm)" in his bio is really great. He makes me laugh cuz he understands that being the best pally in this game is roughly equal to being the 5th person picked in a grammar school pick up kickball game. Fortunately not everyone gets his joke and it angers many. And that makes me laugh.
dont talk to me Judas lol ur still on the sh*t list. I like your new forum title though and we can all rest assured after seeing your pic that ham will be the only thing you are fathering. Im surprised you didnt use smurf names, judging by those pics you are slightly shorter than a smurf....and im gonna have to start charging you more for cab rides I didnt realize how heavy you were.....shave that fro off and I will call you Mini Me