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  1. #1
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default human tempst\kensai\rogue build?

    I am having trouble finding this build although I have seen several very similar to it.

    I like going with human for the extra feat, but will listen to reason if another race is really better suited to this type of build.

    Is Elf just for the natural bonus with rapiers? Would Khopesh be better? Or another weapon? And what about skills? Max out traps and Disable device at every level?

    And what about alignment? Any reason to choose true neutral over lawful good? or other?

    So anyone have a link to a human version of this build?

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Rogue 2 / ranger 6 (Tempest I) / fighter 12 (Kensai II) seems like a popular choice. Khopeshes are the Max DPS Way, but you can also do quite well as a dwarf with dwarven axes, drow with rapiers or short swords, or elf with rapiers or scimitars. For something a little different, I also like picks, as they're the only weapons with an x4 crit multiplier; dual-wielding Sparkstrikers on a build with a good Stunning Blow is pretty sweet. :-)

    True Neutral has two main advantages: lets you use Stability items and makes you immune to a lot of alignment-based damage. The main drawback is you can't use Law/Chaos/Good-based weapons without a decent UMD score. Fortunately, as a rogue splash build, having good UMD shouldn't be too hard.

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