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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Charm Person DC for Bards

    Is the Charm Person DC affected by the CHA mod or something else? Because whenever I use it on Elite, it is always resisted and my characters cha is 19 currently. When it does work, it is very nice to have so I don't want to switch spells but it gets frustrating to cast it 5+ times on a monster and have it resist every time.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    The Charm spell is part of the school of magic called Enchantment. What you want to focus on is raising the DC (Difficulty Check) of any spells in that school. For bards this can come from:

    -A higher charisma
    -The feats Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus
    -Equipment that provides +1 or +2 Enchantment focus (these don't stack, the highest applies. Most go for the Napkin in the Gianthold Reaver raid)
    -Spellsinger bard songs
    -Bard capstone if you are pure 20 levels
    -The Feat Heighten will raise the effective spell level to the highest possible

    How well you can land the spell depends on what level you are, what your DC is, what level of difficulty the content is, and what you are trying to cast it on (bad guy casters generally have higher will saves than melee types). If you are casting crowd control like Otto's Dancing Sphere you can also cast Mind Fog on top of it which will reduce the bad guy will saves by +10 if they fail their save).

    You didn't say what level your bard is. A 19 charisma is fine at level 4 and below. At high levels that is worthless for Enchanting purposes.

    Edit: forgot to add heighten
    Last edited by Humperdink; 03-14-2010 at 06:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    I'm level 4. Thanks for the reply. I'll look into it.

  4. #4
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Basically anything u face on elite has insanely elevated saves. IT's how the game is scaled, if u'll notice the CR's of the same mob from normal to elite u will notice they generally go up by 5 cr from what they were on normal....even tho the quest level only goes up by two.

    This is an attempt to balance the game as knowing the terrain and where things are in the dungeon are huge advantages so the mobs are inflated so that there is some kind of challange on higher settings.

    Basically, u usally have to have a pretty maxxed out build if u doing stuff at appropriate level on elite for stuff to land consistantly, and even then it can be a challenge.

    Bards also suffer from the fact that they learn spells slower, thier dc's even with heighten max out at 6 and not 9, so they are already at a disadvantage to traditional arcanes. They are still a great class, can get high DC's and offer a lot to a party.

    P.S. if u want to do some nice crowd control make use of ur fascinate song and keep ur perform skilled maxxed in ranks.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Basically anything u face on elite has insanely elevated saves. IT's how the game is scaled, if u'll notice the CR's of the same mob from normal to elite u will notice they generally go up by 5 cr from what they were on normal....even tho the quest level only goes up by two.

    Hard mode adds 1 to the dungeon's level only for chest loot and XP adjustment purposes. It adds 2 (or more) to monster and trap challenge ratings.

    Elite mode adds 2 to the dungeon's level only for chest loot and XP adjustment purposes. It adds 5 (or more) to monster and trap challenge ratings.
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