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  1. #1
    Community Member rykim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Trading for/buying icy burst kits

    I'm looking for icy burst kits. Willing to trade larges/plat/items for them.

    I'm willing to trade:

    Large Scale - 5 Kits

    Large Stone - 3 Kits

    Large Shrapnel - 3 Kits

    Large Arrowhead - 2 Kits

    or I'll buy them for 60K plat each or offer 300K plat for a set of 5.

    I'm usually on Menander nowadays or leave me a pm.

    Note: I'm also looking for 3 extra recipe 5's.. willing to buy them for 45K plat each or a large stone for them.
    Last edited by rykim; 03-14-2010 at 01:58 PM. Reason: adjust offer
    Takeda Postman Photius Validosius Aginor Valentinian Valentoon Patrel Belisarius Uprite Upright Agathius Khusrau Anshar Tenor Menander

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