Step 1: There are several minor adjustments and perhaps even more major additions that could be done to the game that would dramatically increase certain classes viability in combat.
I edited step 1 but didnt even re-read step 2.
Ultimately, due to the uniqueness of each individual player's style and build, it is impossible to balance the game. this does not mean the game is not balanced enough for PvP.
Step 2: Add incentive. I suggest we piggyback DAoC's castle warfare... It goes like this, each servers' dominant guilds purchase or aquire a keep in which they can house a relic. These relics would grant a small boost.. say one relic that gives +1 attack rolls, one that gives +1 AC, one that gives +1 spell DCs, one that gives +1 skills, one that gives +1 saves, etc. I purpose having all the way to +5s, with 17-20 competing for the +5s, 13-16 competing for the +4s, etc... each guild would only be able to have one relic at a time. This would give guilds a some kind of purpose, give pvp some kind of purpose, and it wouldn't offset pve in any big way. Sure these relics would be an advantage but not too significant... Have guilds set their raid time, and have other guilds wait in line to challenge them for their relic, this way the chinese don't steal our relics while we sleep.
I planned on having a 3rd step but it got late really quick. There's dozens of players in the wayward lobster at all hours pvping away... but the brawl pit is no pvp system. We need a system with substance. I dont see it feasable for xp or loot rewards for pvp as this would basically be implimenting grinding.
Anyway i hope my ideas are well recieved and I look forward to seeing you all in game :-D