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Thread: Sorc Average HP

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by infernalmagiks View Post
    ...Now I have a WF sorc at lvl16 which I'm liking a lot.

    Base con 14 ...
    This is an issue - what happened to your APs?

    There is no excuse for not spending 2 to get to 16 (and really the debate for Caster-Sorc is 19 or 20), 14 (or even 16) is not in play.

    And to answer your question 400 or 404 HP are common these days.
    Last edited by stockwizard5; 03-14-2010 at 07:18 PM.
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  2. #22
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    I suppose I am a bit biased, so I'll take a wild guess at the average to be about as Stock said, 400.

    Personally my human sits at 457 unbuffed, and 517 buffed, with a buffed 34 con and 1 Toughness feat.

  3. #23
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    557 on my WF, have toughness and quicken and would not switch either out.
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  4. #24
    Community Member infernalmagiks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stockwizard5 View Post
    This is an issue - what happened to your APs?

    There is no excuse for not spending 2 to get to 16 (and really the debate for Caster-Sorc is 19 or 20), 14 (or even 16) is not in play.

    And to answer your question 400 or 404 HP are common these days.
    Read just a little further and it says WF Con Enhancement II

    But if by AP you actually mean Stat points... they went a little wrong yes.

    I do agree that I should have put more into con in the first place. My plan is to take it to lvl20, munch some tomes hopefully, figure out the mistakes I made on it and then LR to fix them.

  5. #25
    Community Member infernalmagiks's Avatar
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    Thanks to a previous post I realized that 14 base con was just too low, so I LR'd already. Took it to 17 giving me 284hp with WF Con enh II, improved false life, toughness and enh III, minos legens, +6 item. One day a +3 tome, but I'll grab a +1 later to even it out. Quite an improvement on the 220hp I had yesterday morning.

    Still not sure about the whole Quicken thing, but I have 2 levels to make my decision. I solo a whole lot, but not so much elite content at the moment. As some have said, it would be useful to be able to quicken Reconstruct, and maybe Mass Charm Monster in case I get swarmed.

    Many thanks all.

  6. #26
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    even as the "Dex build Defender" I'll have to agree that 400 should be your target for any sorc, any race.

    Quicken is handy but really a convenience feature at the expense of a lot of mana. Even with a low concentration skill, you still don't need it. If you're hurt move/jump away to heal. If you have trouble with that (crippled, dungeon alert, slowed, ice on ground, etc) then just time it. Wait for them to get their hit in, THEN cast repair or use a scroll. If you're just gonna panic and spam the heal button chances are you'll get interrupted.

    Of course if you panic then perhaps quicken is a good idea after all =)
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

  7. #27
    Community Member infernalmagiks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    even as the "Dex build Defender" I'll have to agree that 400 should be your target for any sorc, any race.

    Quicken is handy but really a convenience feature at the expense of a lot of mana. Even with a low concentration skill, you still don't need it. If you're hurt move/jump away to heal. If you have trouble with that (crippled, dungeon alert, slowed, ice on ground, etc) then just time it. Wait for them to get their hit in, THEN cast repair or use a scroll. If you're just gonna panic and spam the heal button chances are you'll get interrupted.

    Of course if you panic then perhaps quicken is a good idea after all =)
    Haha yeah that makes sense. I tend to jump around a whole lot when being attacked and while soloing get plenty of practice at GTFOing when needed. So far there's really only been a couple of occasions that I've screwed myself into a corner and been so swamped I can't get out and ended up dying. My own fault there. Although Quicken may have allowed me to repair, I'm not sure how much it would have helped the situation.

    It's going to be some time before I get GS HP items, although flagged I've not started Shroud runs on this character yet.

    Just played about on the Character Generator.
    Apparently with 17 starting Con, WF Con EnhII, Toughness and EnhIV, Greater False Life, +6 Con item and 45hp GS item I will end up with 377hp at lvl20. (No tomes)

    +3 Tome will put it to 417hp
    +10hp Gianthold Favor

    That makes 427hp unbuffed.

    I assume this is reasonable. Am I missing anything?

  8. #28
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    even as the "Dex build Defender" I'll have to agree that 400 should be your target for any sorc, any race.

    Quicken is handy but really a convenience feature at the expense of a lot of mana. Even with a low concentration skill, you still don't need it. If you're hurt move/jump away to heal. If you have trouble with that (crippled, dungeon alert, slowed, ice on ground, etc) then just time it. Wait for them to get their hit in, THEN cast repair or use a scroll. If you're just gonna panic and spam the heal button chances are you'll get interrupted.

    Of course if you panic then perhaps quicken is a good idea after all =)
    Completely depends on if you play end game content (hard/elite ToD and epic quests and raids) or other content, and your role in that content. Quicken is off for me 98% of the time, but when it's on it's very very useful, and worth the feat and slight mana cost.
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  9. #29
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Said it before and I'll say it again:
    Toughness is a crutch relied on by poor players.

    My sorc has done all the most difficult endgame content without deaths, without the feat.

    Also he's a 12 base con drow that melee's often in epic content (Dreamspitter and Mass hold ftw)

    HP: 405 buffed without toughness. It's plenty.

    You stay alive on a sorc by making your enemies CC'd/Dead before they make you dead. Not by relying on an extra bit of padding for when you screw up. You make a mistake in difficult content, your dead, extra +60 hp or not.
    Even if I could see a way to fit the feat, I certainly wouldn't waste the AP on the enhancements to make it wortwhile.

    Quicken is a different subject. It's a great feat and really depends on your playstyle if you need it or not.

    I guess if your build focus is one of those melee type warforged sorcs that purposley take allot of damage to help themselves deal more.. Toughness, Quicken, all the defensive you can get.. Makes sense.

    But if your more of a traditionall caster. No. Cast fast, cast often, elimate the enemy before he eliminates you.

  10. #30
    Community Member infernalmagiks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Said it before and I'll say it again:
    Toughness is a crutch relied on by poor players.

    My sorc has done all the most difficult endgame content without deaths, without the feat.

    Also he's a 12 base con drow that melee's often in epic content (Dreamspitter and Mass hold ftw)

    HP: 405 buffed without toughness. It's plenty.

    You stay alive on a sorc by making your enemies CC'd/Dead before they make you dead. Not by relying on an extra bit of padding for when you screw up. You make a mistake in difficult content, your dead, extra +60 hp or not.
    Even if I could see a way to fit the feat, I certainly wouldn't waste the AP on the enhancements to make it wortwhile.

    Quicken is a different subject. It's a great feat and really depends on your playstyle if you need it or not.

    I guess if your build focus is one of those melee type warforged sorcs that purposley take allot of damage to help themselves deal more.. Toughness, Quicken, all the defensive you can get.. Makes sense.

    But if your more of a traditionall caster. No. Cast fast, cast often, elimate the enemy before he eliminates you.
    I would have thought it would make some difference that your sorc is probably 4 years old with all the greatest equipment available for it and 4 years of practice using it.

    Mine is 4 weeks old with nothing more than what some would consider vendor trash. Yes its nice to have a buffer while learning content and how to properly play one.

    With all the new respec types available, there's nothing stopping me from working on my skills then dropping toughness later once happy with how things are going.

  11. #31
    Community Member Diarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Said it before and I'll say it again:
    Toughness is a crutch relied on by poor players.

    My sorc has done all the most difficult endgame content without deaths, without the feat.

    Also he's a 12 base con drow that melee's often in epic content (Dreamspitter and Mass hold ftw)

    HP: 405 buffed without toughness. It's plenty.

    You stay alive on a sorc by making your enemies CC'd/Dead before they make you dead. Not by relying on an extra bit of padding for when you screw up. You make a mistake in difficult content, your dead, extra +60 hp or not.
    Even if I could see a way to fit the feat, I certainly wouldn't waste the AP on the enhancements to make it wortwhile.

    Quicken is a different subject. It's a great feat and really depends on your playstyle if you need it or not.

    I guess if your build focus is one of those melee type warforged sorcs that purposley take allot of damage to help themselves deal more.. Toughness, Quicken, all the defensive you can get.. Makes sense.

    But if your more of a traditionall caster. No. Cast fast, cast often, elimate the enemy before he eliminates you.
    Final boss of Epic OOB. Flesh to Stones, then hits you with a 410 disintegrate. 405 buffed without toughness? You're dead every time.
    Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk

  12. #32
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diarden View Post
    Final boss of Epic OOB. Flesh to Stones, then hits you with a 410 disintegrate. 405 buffed without toughness? You're dead every time.
    Actually im only incapped (-5), then healed and good to go.

    And I've done that quest some 60+ times and never seen anyone get fleshed to stone, much less myself. If he does, the save DC is low enough not to matter. Especially with the recurring save they added (every 6 second iirc)

    Regardless I don't solo that quest on my sorc, so one of the melee surronding the guy would absorb the disintegrate anyways as I ran around working on the remaining Scorrow.

    Also most of my standard crew for that quest carrys stone to flesh scrolls and it's not one I'm willing to pug unlike the vons.

  13. #33
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Actually im only incapped (-5), then healed and good to go.

    And I've done that quest some 60+ times and never seen anyone get fleshed to stone, much less myself. If he does, the save DC is low enough not to matter. Especially with the recurring save they added (every 6 second iirc)

    Regardless I don't solo that quest on my sorc, so one of the melee surronding the guy would absorb the disintegrate anyways as I ran around working on the remaining Scorrow.

    Also most of my standard crew for that quest carrys stone to flesh scrolls and it's not one I'm willing to pug unlike the vons.
    I never liked FTS spamming casters but a great epic 1v1 mage battle is von 2. No tricky spells, just a nukers slug fest. I freaking love it =)
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

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