Okay, The demi-goddess Tirisha has obtained a +5 vorpal longsword to wield in defense of the citizens of Eberron. I have decided that it would be an autracity to wield a +5 vorpal in one hand and a +3 in the other. The demi-goddess simply needs the best weapons to defend the good people of the world.
So I plead with you, bearer of the almighty +5 vorpal longsword, consider relinquishing your wpn in the name of good everywhere and for a considerable increase to your kundarak account.
I bought the first longsword on the auction for 200k plat, the post was up for 3 days (during the weekend) and I was never outbid. However, I understand that you might not be certain that you wish to relinquish your wpn so know that I am willing to negotiate on the payment.
thank you