Most scrolls dropped to 30-40k plat....
I'm looking for:
- Scroll of The Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II
(if you have one lemme know i will trade a whack for one, or give a large wad of plat)
Red Scales
Desert Scrolls
Seal of Earth - 700k plat
Shining Crest of St Markus - 400k plat
Ring of Baphomet - 90k plat
Dusk Heart - 60k plat
Tinder - 40k plat
Adherent's Pendant - 30k plat
Mirage - 35k plat
Staff of Inner Sight - 30k plat
Collapsible Bow - 30k plat
Bejeweled Letter Opener - 30k plat
Ward of Undeath - 30k plat
Shard of Vollun - 30k plat
Stinkpelt's Hide - 30k plat
Spectacles of Spirit Sight - 40k plat
Vulkoorim Dervish Robe - 40k plat
Zephyr - 30k plat
Xuum - 40k plat
Gloves of the Falcon - 40k plat
Golden Greaves - 30k plat
Firestorm Greaves - 40k plat
Vambrances of Inner Light - 40k plat
Robe of Fire - 40k plat
Mummy Wrappings - 40k plat
Vulkoorim Pendant - 30k plat
Cape of the Roc - 30k plat
Hyena Claw Necklace - 40k plat
Bracers of Deftness - 30k plat
Wolf Whistle - 30k plat
Chainmail Coif - 40k plat
Flint - 40k plat
Whirlwind - 40k plat
Spiked Turban - 40k plat
Unkor's Cleaver - 40k plat
Dynastic Falcata - 40k plat
Bow of Elements - Air - 40k plat
Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers - 40k plat
Coronation Shield - 30k plat
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger - 40k plat
Hruvayah's Medallion - 40k plat
Sting - 40k plat
Weathered Targe - 40k plat
Thornlord - 60k plat
Adherent's Pendant - 30k plat
Shield of the Scorpion - 30k plat
Tourney Armor - 40k plat
Bracers of the Hunter - 40k plat
Sirroco - 120k plat
Dragon Scrolls
Belt of the Mroranon - 140k plat
Helm of the Mroranon - 150k plat
Dragon's Eye - 150k plat
Docent of Grace - 70k plat
Silver Prophecy Necklace - 80k plat
Crimson Prophecy Necklace - 80k plat
Azure Prophecy Necklace - 80k plat
Kundarak Warding Shield - 80k plat
Kundarak Warding Bracers - 140k plat
Stonemeld Plate - 90k plat
Cloak of the Silver Concord - 110k plat
Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets - 80k plat
Ironweave Robe - 80k plat