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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Mystera's Weapon Emporium

    Welcome to Mystera's emporium!! I've got some awesome weapons I'm willing to trade:

    Monk Weapons
    +5 Vorpal Kama (ML 16, RR Dwarf)
    +2 Vorpal Kama of Maiming w/ Frost added (ML 12, RR Drow/Elf)
    +1 Vorpal Kama of Vertigo +6 w/ Frost added (ML 14, RR Drow/Elf)
    +1 Vorpal Cold Iron Kama of Shattermantle w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 12)
    +1 Paralyzing Handwraps w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 10)
    +1 Paralyzing Handwraps (ML 12)
    +2 Paralyzing Handwraps (ML 12)
    +3 Paralyzing Handwraps (ML 16)
    +4 Paralyzing Handwraps (ML 16)
    +2 Paralyzing Handwraps of Weighted 1% w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)
    +1 Paralyzing Handwraps of Everbright (ML 14)
    +3 Paralyzing Handwraps of Parrying (ML 16, RR Drow/Elf)
    +2 Paralyzing Handwraps of Vertigo +4 w/ Frost added (ML 16)
    +1 Paralyzing Handwraps of Maiming w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 12)
    +1 Shocking Burst Handwraps of Greater Giant Bane w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 8, RR Drow)
    +3 Handwraps of Greater Giant Bane w/ Frost added (ML 12)
    +2 Thundering Quarterstaff of Greater Giant Bane (ML 10)
    +3 Axiomatic Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)
    +2 Handwraps of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane (ML 8)
    +2 Axiomatic Burst Handwraps of Greater Elf Bane w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 16)
    +3 Thundering Handwraps of Greater Dragon Bane w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 12)
    +2 Holy of Aberration Bane w/ Frost added (ML 10)
    +1 Axiomatic Handwraps of Greater Aberration Bane (ML 8, RR Drow/Elf)
    +2 Shocking Burst Handwraps of Greater Goblinoid Bane (ML 12)
    +3 Handwraps of Greater Goblinoid Bane (ML 10)
    +1 Shocking Burst Handwraps of Greater Ooze Bane w/ Frost added (ML 10)
    +1 Flaming Handwraps of Greater Human Bane w/ Icy Burst added (ML 8)
    +1 True Law Handwraps of Greater Halfling Bane (ML 8)
    +3 Flaming Burst Handwraps of Greater Halfling Bane (ML 14)
    +1 Handwraps of Greater Magical Beast Bane (ML 6)
    +2 Acid Quarterstaff of Greater Animal Bane (ML 10)
    +1 True Law Handwraps of Smiting (ML 12)
    +1 Shock Handwraps of Weighted 4% w/ Frost added (ML 10)
    +3 Axiomatic Handwraps of Bleeding (ML 10)
    +2 Weakening Handwraps of Pure Good w/ Frost added (ML 8, RR Warforged)
    +3 Weakening Handwraps of Pure Good (ML 12)
    +3 Weakening Handwraps of Bleeding w/ Frost added (ML 12)
    +4 Weakening Handwraps of Pure Good w/ Frost added (ML 14)
    +1 Weakening Handwraps of Enfeebling (ML 8, RR Dwarf)
    +1 Weakening Handwraps of Enfeebling (ML 10)
    +2 Weakening Handwraps of Enfeebling (ML 12)
    +1 Weakening Silver Kama of Enfeebling (ML 10)
    +3 Maldroit Handwraps of Bone Breaking (ML 14)
    +4 Improved Cursespewing Kama w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14, RR Drow/Elf)
    +1 Holyburst Handwraps of Improved Shattermantle (ML 16)
    +1 True Law Handwraps of Smiting (ML 12)
    +1 Force Handwraps of Smiting (ML 14)
    +1 Kama of Smiting (ML 10)
    +1 Banishing Handwraps (ML 10)
    +2 Banishing Handwraps of Weighted 2% (ML 14, RR Warforged)
    +1 Banishing Handwraps of Deception (ML 12)
    +3 Banishing Handwraps of Deception with Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 16)
    +1 Banishing Handwraps of Pure Good (ML 12)
    +1 Axiomatic Kama of Disruption w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)
    +3 Flaming Kama of Disruption w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 16)
    +3 Flamingburst Handwraps of Undead Bane (ML 12)
    +1 Flamingburst Handwraps of Disruption (ML 12, RR Warforged)
    +4 True Law Handwraps of Disruption w/ Frost added (ML 16, RR Halfling)
    +1 Holy Kama of Greater Undead Bane w/ Frost added (ML 10)
    +3 True Law Quarterstaff of Pure Good (ML 8)
    +2 Holy Quarterstaff of Pure Good (ML 8)
    +3 Holy Quarterstaff of Pure Good (ML 10)
    +1 Holy Handwraps w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 4)
    +2 Holy Kama of Pure Good (ML 8)
    +4 Holy Kama of Pure Good w/ Frost added (ML 12)
    +5 Holy Kama of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)
    +3 Metalline Kama of Pure Good (ML 8, RR Human)
    +5 Metalline Quarterstaff of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML14)
    +1 Holy Handwraps of Weighted 3% w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 10)
    +1 Metalline Quarterstaff of Weighted 5% (ML 14)
    +2 Crippling Handwraps of Weighted 5% (ML 14)
    +1 Acid Handwraps of Weighted 5% (ML 12)
    +3 Superior Combustion VII Kama (ML 12)

    Melee Weapons
    +2 Holyburst Great Axe of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML 14)
    +4 Holy Great Axe of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane (ML 16)
    +1 Shock Greatsword of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane (ML 10)
    +1 Flaming Falchion of Greater Undead Bane (ML 8)
    +2 Flaming Greatsword of Disruption (ML 14)
    +2 Flaming Great Axe of Disruption (ML 14)
    +2 Holy Khopesh of Disruption (ML 16)
    +1 Wounding Dwarven Axe of Greater Dragon Bane (ML 12)
    +2 Cursespewing Battleaxe of Greater Dragon Bane w/ Frost added (ML 12, RR Halfling)
    +1 Holyburst Rapier of Puncturing (ML 10, RR Dwarf)
    +2 Wounding Greatsword of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 10)
    +2 Wounding Rapier of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (ML 14)
    +1 Holy Great Axe of Greater Aberration Bane (ML 10)
    +1 Flaming Heavy Mace of Greater Giant Bane (ML 8)
    +2 Flamingburst Battleaxe of Greater Giant Bane w/ Frost added (ML 12)
    +1 Wounding Rapier of Greater Aberration Bane (ML 12)
    +1 Flaming Falchion of Greater Human Bane (ML 8)
    +1 Vorpal Falchion of Righteousness (ML 10, RR Dwarf)
    +2 Vorpal Falchion of Tendon Slice 4% (ML 14, RR Dwarf)
    +1 Vorpal Great Axe of Tendon Slice 2% w/ Frost added (ML 12)
    +2 Paralyzing Heavy Mace of Pure Good (ML 14)
    +3 Paralyzing Rapier of Tendon Slice 2% (ML 16)
    +1 Improved Cursespewing Rapier w/ Frost added (ML 10)
    +1 Weakening Greateaxe of Pure Good w/ Frost added (ML 8)
    +3 Weakening Greataxe of Pure Good (ML 12)
    +2 Wounding Repeating Light Crossbow of Pure Good (ML 10)
    +3 Wounding Shortsword of Pure Good (ML 10, RR Halfing)
    +5 Great Axe of the Chained Soldier (ML 12)
    +1 Weakening Byeshk Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling (ML 10)
    +2 Wounding Kukri of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 10)
    +2 Flaming Byshek Morningstar of Weighted 4% (ML 12)
    +1 Flaming Heavy Mace of Weighted 5% (ML 12)
    +3 Holy Battleaxe of Righteousness (ML 10)
    +3 Holy Heavy Mace of Pure Good (ML 10)
    +4 Holy Kukri of Pure Good (ML 12)
    +5 Holy Kukri of Righteousness (ML 14)
    +4 Holy Falchion of Righteousness (ML 12)
    +2 Holy Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (ML 8)
    +4 Holy Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (ML 12)
    +1 Holyburst Greatsword of Pure Good (ML 10)
    +2 Holy Silver Heavy Pick of Backstabbing +4 (ML 14)
    +3 Metalline Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (ML 8, RR Drow/Elf)
    +5 Metalline Kurkri of Pure Good (ML 14)
    +5 Metalline Battleaxe of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)

    For trade I am looking for the following items. If you have one of the items specifically listed below contact me in game (Mystera) and we'll talk about a trade. BTW, if item is race restricted it needs to be drow.

    Large Devils Scales
    +6 Dexterity Ring (ML 11, RR Drow/Elf)
    +6 Constitution Ring (ML 11, RR Drow/Ef)
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Giant Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Dwarf Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (would give more if it also had cold iron or silver)
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Elf Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Goblinoid Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Aberration Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Dragon Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Reptilian Bane
    Holy Handwraps of Greater Gnoll Bane
    Holy or Force Handwraps of Greater Human Bane
    True Law or Force Handwraps of Greater Elemental Bane
    True Law or Force Handwraps of Greater Ooze Bane
    True Law or Force Handwraps of Greater Vermin Bane
    True Law or Force Handwraps of Greater Magical Beast Bane
    Metalline or Adamantine Handwraps of Greater Construct Bane
    Weakening Handwraps of Weighted 5%
    +4 or +5 Metalline Handwraps of Pure Good
    +4 or +5 Holy Handwraps of Pure Good (would give more if it also had silver)
    Improved Cursespewing Kama of Destruction
    Cursespewing Kama of Improved Destruction
    Last edited by Mystera; 03-22-2010 at 10:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member FoggyKnight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Hey, I have a +1 Flaming Dwarven Axe of Greater Undead bane I cannot use (lvl 8), may I trade for that +1 Flaming Falchion of Greater Undead Bane (lvl 8)?

  3. #3
    Community Member XieJon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Do you want a +1 Shocking burst Kama of Pure Good and a couple k plat for the +5 Holy Kama of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)?

    Ill PM you about it

  4. #4
    Community Member balforofthenis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Have some shocking burst handwraps of greater evil outsider bane I think off the top off my head, contact my alts on sig below if you're interested. not sure what im interested in on your list yet though heh
    Nazul ~ Nazath ~ Warchanter ~ Lorrad
    Nazty ~ Tiberiaz ~ Nazsinger ~ Naztee
    ~ Cannith Server ~

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by balforofthenis View Post
    Have some shocking burst handwraps of greater evil outsider bane I think off the top off my head, contact my alts on sig below if you're interested. not sure what im interested in on your list yet though heh
    I have a pair of greater evil outsider bane handwraps and am only looking for the holy greater evil outsider bane that I have on my list.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by XieJon View Post
    Do you want a +1 Shocking burst Kama of Pure Good and a couple k plat for the +5 Holy Kama of Pure Good w/ Icy Burst and Frost added (ML 14)?

    Ill PM you about it
    Not interested for two reasons. First, I'm not looking for the item you mentioned (all the items I'm looking for are on my list above). Second, you're proposing a trade of a 40-100k gold item for a rare 1-1.5m gold item with an addtional 1.5 million in materials added to it.
    Last edited by Mystera; 03-15-2010 at 12:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by FoggyKnight View Post
    Hey, I have a +1 Flaming Dwarven Axe of Greater Undead bane I cannot use (lvl 8), may I trade for that +1 Flaming Falchion of Greater Undead Bane (lvl 8)?
    I have no need of a dwarven axe either. Perhaps you can find someone who is interested in your dwarven axe and has something on my list, then we can work out a three way trade. Another option is to hit up those monk guildies and friends of yours for any of the items I listed.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Just added another 30+ greater bane, vorpal, disruption, and other good weapons - many of them with icy burst recipes on them! Now is a good time to hit up the monks you know to see if they have one of the items I'm looking for!

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    So everyone knows I put more value on getting the items on my list over the next couple of days than getting them 2 weeks from now. I would like to get icy burst on them before the risia games end next weekend.
    Last edited by Mystera; 03-21-2010 at 12:03 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Removed RR paralyzing handwraps from my list as someone proposed an acceptable trade for another monk weapon on my list.
    Last edited by Mystera; 03-22-2010 at 06:16 AM.

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Added another 20+ items to the list for trade. List ends on Saturday, at which point I will take a more leisurely approach to gathering my desired weapons (therefore I won't maintain this trade list).

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Last chance.

  13. #13
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    To be specific ends tonight.

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