To start with, first monk, my highest other char is a wiz level 6 and a few other level 3-4 chars I removed and remade.
Im assuming the forums is getting overnuked with posts like mine "is this build good?!?!?!"
But im not curiouse if its good or not, just if I gimped myself to oblivion or if it actually works for a while longer.

Im playing with a few irl-friends so endgame wize im not really interested if im epicly good or avarage.
My concern is that im usefull solo (with a hench) or with friends, avarage or good earlygame is fine for me.
Since I seen alot of other topics around here im not shure if my build is enough due to other low stats, with all the ki-attacks and all that.

Im not familiar with all the short terms.. exept for WF (weapon finess?)
and TWF (two weapon fighting?) if I got that right.

This is my base-stats, I thought about going a fister, tried one with 20 dex and low str of 12 noticed my damage was so sucky I had to remake him again, thought WF made the attack damage go after dex aswell, but it was only the attack bonus. : (

Level 4 monk
Path of Invevitable dominion <-- picked that for the nice damage.
Way of the patient tortoise (extra consentration and hp)

Base stats
Str 17
Dex 17
Con 9 (added 1 point on level 4)
Int 8
Wis 10
Cha 8

Im going for mostly Balance, Consentration, Diplomacy and Jump.
(is diplomacy passive and USE or only use-effect for the reduced interest from monsters?)

Power attack
Toughness <- To grab the extra hp and ench that gives hp.
Weapon focus Bludgeon. <-- fists is bludge right? : D

Two weapon fighting (not shure about this) <-- I heard TWF dont improve, but ITWF and.. is it GTWF?, hope I get the shortnames right.

My question is.. can I survive with this or will I miss something lateron?
At the moment it seems fine but as I stated, I got a bit scared if my monk is just good at level 1-5 or something , due to others builds being total different.

Hope for a reply
