Hiya, i just got my monk flagged for the shroud, and am plznning to craft him some greensteel goggles, and was wondering what the best enhancements and stuff to put on it
Any constuctive help is wecome in this
...So sayeth the Funk...
Hiya, i just got my monk flagged for the shroud, and am plznning to craft him some greensteel goggles, and was wondering what the best enhancements and stuff to put on it
Any constuctive help is wecome in this
...So sayeth the Funk...
A member of the "Feed the trolls cookies" society
a favorite i've seen amongst the forums is mineral II. 45hp, +6 to con skills, heavy fortification, +5 protection, and stoneskin 2/day.
another option i'm going for is air guard as follows: all 3 tiers have + to cha skills for total +6 cha skills (for my UMD), haste 3/day, and an air guard that can proc a dc35 trip against the attacker or a 30sec haste on me. Sounds like a fun way to up my umd.
I would go with Mineral 3 or what ever you call tier three mineral.
Earth Escalation Material at tier one for +1 to concentration skill and +10 Hit Points
(2 Arrowheads 1 Bone 2 Chains 2 Scales 3 Shrapnel 2 Stones)
Positive Escalation Material at tier two for +2 to concentration skill and +15 Hit Points
(2 Arrowheads 1 Bone 1 Chains 3 Scales 2 Shrapnel 3 Stones)
Gives tier two bonus effect of stoneskin twice a rest.
Dual third tier shard (EARTH-Positive) Escalation Material for +3 to concentration skill and +20 Hit Points
(4 Arrowheads 2 Bone 3 Chains 5 Scales 5 Shrapnel 5 Stones)
Tier three bonus effect of Heavy Fortification and +5 to protection.
A mineral 3 weapon is a good idea as well.
However this is just my opinion. other may have better ideas.
However Heavy fort is usually covered by minos legend helm and if you have icy rainments i think that already has +4 protection on it. Also a mineral 2 weapon gives you the 2 a rest stoneskin as well. So give it some thought first.
Last edited by DelverRootnose; 03-13-2010 at 04:33 AM.
Don't forget... Monk's can't make GS handwraps, Yet at least we can pray that the new "threaded" wraps are foreshadowing GS threaded wraps.
Personally, I'm making a Radiance Guard Item. +45 HP, Sunburst 2/day, chance on being hit to do 4d6 light damage + blindess, +4 dex skills, +2 con skills. For it being my first greensteel it's working fine.
not for a monk if you want gs on a monk remember kamas and quarterstaves suck compared to handwraps and tod rings
a +45hp item is always good you have goggles and helmet as good spots but if you replace your minos legins make sure you get heavy fort on it
smoke 2 goggles are nice
i built a tier 2 mineral kama just for the stone skin clickie but tier 3 is pointless as i never will use it as a weapon
as a monk the tod sets are a game changer so leave your neclace belt and ring slots open unless your makeing something for situational use
posted something about this in a thread with the same name
I went with aspect of smoke gs helm with +45 hp, +dex skills, permanent blur, 2x/day 1:30 displace clicky. pretty satisfied with my decision as it allows alot of flexibility with item sets. others may not because it loses 20hp off of minos
Gods & Generals
If you get the tharnes googles you will need to recraft wich will upset you, i´d go for another item to start off with but that may be only me
You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.
imo the only 'free' spots on a monk for greensteel are helm and cloak. There are many other items for all the other slots which you will want to aim for, and having to replace a greensteel later on hurts.
You have ToD sets(both rings, neak, belt) tharnes (goggles and possibly bracers) AC bracers(Bracers if not tharnes) boots for striders, anchoring, madstone, etc(Swap out many boots) gloves for spectral(if no tharnes bracers) or titans grasp(For str 6 with another +6 str clickie)
Go helm first (To replace minos) or cloak. Go min II with 45 hp which DOES stack with minos, but the extra 20 hp from minos isn't a huge loss to lose and replace with a greensteel later. A good combo to work with is MinII + SmokeII greensteels (20 runs of shroud and u should have enough mats to make both, and cleanse one)
AMDarkwolf: what about the belt slot? Is there anything I'd want to shoot for there that would make me regret making a green steel belt?
Yes. Belt of Brute(+6 str, GLF) I would suggest cloak or helm. I always try to craft a Min II(+5 pro, hvy fort, 45 hp) helm. On first tier I try to put Greater Acid resist or +5 Fort save-depending on what I have layed out for the rest of end game gear. On my monk I plan on crafting 3 items and putting Greater Acid, Fire and Lighting on the first tier of all 3 items. Just a suggestion!
I agree go with cloak or helm, not goggles. You'll want Tharne's for your goggles slot. A 45 hp item is always a good option, what other attributes you have on it depend on other gear. A MinII hit point cloak for heavy fort and protection +5 with a stoneskin clickie is a solid option. A smoke hit point cloak with perma blur and displace clickie is also good if you have heavy fort elsewhere.
In addition to the belt of brute force mentioned there is also epic belt of the Mroranon (Strength +7, Heavy Fortification, Toughness, Empty Yellow Augment Slot).
I'm going with a perma blur hit point cloak on my monk and wearing minos for my heavy fort item until I can (hopefully) get said epic belt.
Malicai my friend, I like your thinking. In fact, even before reading this, this is what I am completing on my monk. Just remember, for you new people, Getting ingrediants is great, but 20 completions is almost 10 weeks worth of shrouds, so complete every chance you can so you can purify the first item.
My one question is, where can I find a decent belt? I am using two ToD belts, the warpriest belt for the +2 to hit and the paladin belt (GFL) as needed, but want something that will be useful, and might free up a glove spot from my str item or what not.
Hope i'm not hijacking the thread with more questions, but I wonder what folks are using for wisdom/con items. I have oremi's necklace for +6 con, which put me at getting a generic +6wis helmet and getting a heavy fort belt. I was thinking to make a min II belt to upgrade my heavy fort belt so I can still use my +6 wis helmet until I make a concordant opposition item for wisdom. I've already made a belt blank.
Shinto Ring(+6 Wisdom, +1 exceptional Str). Shinto Cord(+6 Con, +15 Concentration)
Your monk necklace from TOD will also have the Con + 6 you are looking for.
I have oremi's necklace for con and ki generation. The reason i mentioned it is that I used to use necklaces for wisdom and belts for con until i got oremi's necklace. Then i had to switch out minos legens for a wisdom helmet and get a heavy fort belt. Like I said, alot of gear rearranging i guess will be in the future.