Has anyone experienced the issue that I have outlined below? I have already contacted tech support but while I wait for them to send me an email, I thought that I would describe the issue to get your opinion(s).

1. I can not click on any LFM and get accepted. The PUG leader receives a message stating that I am in party even though I am not. I just disappear from their list and I never receive a message of declined or accepted.

2. The Grouping tab will not display LFMs as highlighted. Quests that match my lvl and class remain dark. I am able to click join but I can not be added to a group.

3. The ddo store does not appear to function correctly for me. For example, I click on hirelings and click for the range within my lvl and nothing displays.. i am given a message that there are no items that match my lvl. Searching is impossible.

Any of you experience or hear of this before?