Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
The best reason to splash away from monk is to get Rogue1 for UMD and trap skills. For that to work, you would have had to do it at low level and been putting points in the whole time.
Quote Originally Posted by Anklenibbler View Post
yea rogue is the one i was thinking of.....mostly for the haste and UMD was just wondering if worth the trade
Haste boost, d6+3 SA. Agree that it is better to take at least slightly earlier in order to max out UMD.

Quote Originally Posted by kanbeki View Post
I once had a 9monk/6ranger/1rog build that was fun, had halfling dragonmarks and could no fail heal scrolls, but with the changes to the class, 20 monk is pretty much the only way to go
You can get to monk12, monk12-18 currently doesn't really give all that much, PrCs might change that though. If that happens there's always TR.
2 base damage, 9ish DPS
shining star
DR; good for fights intensive enough to wear through a stone skin clicky
shadow walk; neato
capstone; nice if you're going slow or have yet to learn to maximize ki usage

Higher tier windstance, 10ish dps
Higher tier strikes, 10ish dps iirc
Movement speed

Ranger 6:
rams: 13 ish dps
FE: 26 ish dps
sprint boost

Rogue 1:
hjeest boost: 15-20ish dps
SA: 30ish dps no fort, 15ish dps 50% fort
Can splash ranger for sprint boost and +3 damage against...ebil outsiders?
Can splash cleric/FvS (early) to qualify for emp healing if halfer
Can splash bard for UMD, mini fascinate, empower healing
Can splash wiz if elf to qualify for AA and meta magic feat
Can splash fighter 1 for hjeest boost, toughness enhancement(10hp) and feat, fighter 2 for an additional feat and +1 str
Can splash pally2 for saves, loh and toughness enhancement