First one, I have a level 3 cleric. I hav e been thinking about multi-classing her as a ranger, probably after level five, when i get access to the third level cleric spells. I'm not deathly new to the game, but I'm still hearing echos of my father in the back of my head telling me that all multi-classing is bad, and that i should keep pure characters no matter what. My reasons for wanting to multi-class this character in particular have to deal with the fact that she couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a melee weapon, and as a strict healer, I find it useful to stay off a ways and attack from afar while I keep an eye on my parties health bars. Makes it easier for me to switch from ranged attacks to heal and back again. I play this character with the first and foremost priority being healing, second being able to do at least a bit of damage to contribute. What do you guys think? Multi-class ranger at level six? wait until later to multi-class her? don't multi-class her at all?
Second, I have a level two rogue. She is my trap monkey. I'm making her to be a trap monkey secret finder. She also i was thinking of multi-classing, either as a ranger for damage bonuses, a fighter so that she can help out on the front, or a cleric because i have an addiction to healing people, and it makes me sad when someone dies and I literally could do nothing about it. I have no ideas on this one, and was wondering what advice anyone had for me, and what they have found successful.