So I am just curious as to the best setup for a warforged sorc. Fire/ice spec, of course. Also, I mean the absolute best, All epic gear? thats fine with me, Ill grind it out. I am just not good at min/maxing caster gear. True story.
So I am just curious as to the best setup for a warforged sorc. Fire/ice spec, of course. Also, I mean the absolute best, All epic gear? thats fine with me, Ill grind it out. I am just not good at min/maxing caster gear. True story.
8. Making short posts for the sole purpose of moving your thread up the forum ("bumping") or adding to your post count is not allowed. The sole exception to this is in the marketplace forums where informative bumps (i.e., "the vorpal cupcake has been sold") are allowed.
its just 1 hour cine you openend the thread, maybe wait abit so ppl get home from work / wake up / have finished eating / whatever they are doing in their timezones
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Patience is a virtue.
One that i prefer to live life without.
On the same page as your thread:
Here is my lay out currently, some epic gear can be added.
Psyborg WF Sorc
Helm: 15 concentration
Neck: Torc (make epic)/ Torin's Choker for sup pot 6
Trinket: Good Fortune for luck and fortification
Belt: Archmage for arcane lore/other Amrath clickies
Cloak: Napkin
Boots: Con Op 45 hps/ Anchoring/ Firestorm Greaves/ Dragon Boots (epic eventually)
Gloves: VoD/ Upgraded Titan's Grip
Bracers: VoD/ DQ bracers (epic eventually)
Ring 1: Rahkir's for Archmage set w/ greater combustion VIII/ FF ring
Ring 2: Earth Savant +6 cha, +1 con w/ +2 exceptional con
Goggles: Con Op 300 mana +6 cha skills
Docent: Quorforge Docent upgraded: +6 con toughness superior false life/ DT Glaciation
Weapon 1: Shroud Sickle Con Op +6 str +3 exceptional cha
Weapon 2: Superior Potency 6 Sickle/ Green Blade (when using Torin's)
This combination will give 557 hps and minimal swapping to cast spells.
There is another gear thread three pages back, search and you will find even more.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
Let me know your thoughts on the setup.. if you wouldnt mind.
So yeah... after some more research... and no real answers as per my desires.. I strenuously spent time at work and came up with what I find to be ideal for a wf sorcerer and someone who doesn't mind switching items... here we go...
Also-I do not waste valuable sorc feats on quicken, the conc makes up for it a plenty.
toughness, extend, maximize, empower, heighten, spell pen, greater spell pen
general running around- 40% healing amp for those random clerics who care.. even though you dont, 20% neg absorption COnc op
wands/scrolls/random other items
For infernos a 30% fire absorbtion shroud item.
Skiver - +5 Dagger, Archmagi, Greater Arcane Lore, Efficient Metamagic - Extend I, Efficient Metamagic - Empower II
Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight - Greater Necromancy Focus, Greater Enchantment Focus, Empty Colorless Augment Slot (+2 good luck)
Concentration 15
45 fire resist item for abbot (plenty of time inbetween inferno ticks to recon so concentration isnt needed..neither is quicken)
Torin's Choker - Superior Potency VI, Warchanter Set Bonus
Epic Hruvayah's Medallion - Spell Penetration IX,
Epic Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II - Greater Spell Penetration VIII, Transform Kinetic Energy
Litany of the Dead - Turn the Page (CL:12, 3/rest), Litany of the Dead - Ability Bonus
Xachosian Eardweller - Xachosian Spell Frenzy {CL:18, 3/1 rest}
Mysterious Bauble - Major Mnemonic Aid (CL:15, 1/1)
Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord - Charisma +7, Haggle +15, Diplomacy +15, Persuasion, Empty Yellow Augment Slot (resist 4 or exceptional con 1-your preference)
shroud-blindness immunity, 50sp +2 cha skills, 100sp +3 cha skills. Conc Op
Warchanter's Band -Charisma +6, Exceptional Strength +1, Warchanter, exceptional constitution +2
ann velsing/lorinthors/band of siberys- Strength +6, Exceptional Charisma +1,exceptional charisma +2
Epic Ring of Spell Storing - Major Mnemonic Aid{CL:15, 3/3 rest}
shroud- 45 hp, +6 con skills, min2 hvy fort
Gloves of the Glacier - Glacial Assault, Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II, Efficient Metamagic - Extend II
Vile Blasphemy - Power Drain (CL:12, 3/rest), Use Magic Device +3
Quorforged Docent of Battle - +5 Docent, Reinforced Plating +2, Constitution +6, Will Save -2, Superior False Life, Toughness
boots-firestorm greaves/anchoring/fom boots/striders/balance/ff....
spell pen 9-yep.. dont need maximize and extend reduction for spell pen casting....
greater spell pen 8-see above.. plus u can get sp back!!
superior potency 6-yep for those times using the eardweller isnt worth it
cha 10-yep
str 7-yep
con 8-yep
superior false life-yep
conc 15-yep
hvy fort-yep
cha skills 5-yep
con skills 6-yep
45 hp shroud-yep
300 sp shroud-yep
You only need 3 minutes to dump all your sp at endgame.. if that. The eye does not stack with any other item bonuses so use its clicky, switch to litany, use its.. go to town... (if it is incorrectly stated then ill throw some switchable belt clickies in i guess)
spell storing ring? yep, power drain? yep
2 conc op that everyone agrees stacks in this manner? yep
torc? who could live without one?
cha mod
10 item
05 lvl
04 tome
03 class
16 base
38 total and litany... 39... +5 tome one day=40! ..or epic litany....
con mod
02 race
04 tome
8/9 item
01 litany
?? base
15/16 plus your base.
45 shroud
40 sup false life
20 toughness
80 base (lvl 20)
20 heroic durability
10 draconic vitality
22 toughness feat
40 race enhancements
277 before con
20 rage
140 (just the 15 con boost)
437 neato
020 16 con boost
100 20 base
557 of rather static hp....
537 when you dont wanna rage yourself....
since I dont take quicken...
23 base
15 item
06 con skills
14 raged 38 con
58 skill in concentration... 57 when not raged.
Everyones favorite.. for last...
10/11 base?? 10 or 11 something like that..
14 charisma bonus
03 persuasion
04 gh
05 shroud cha skill
36/37. Reasonable.. since you are rezzing fleshies after all.
One again, give me some feedback please... good, bad, i can take it. Though I will probably return the bad as I am easily dragged into flame wars and, I will be honest... I LOVE insulting people.