Hey yall. im geting ready to True Reincarnate my Fighter. and im wanting to make either a Dwarven or Halfling Ranger that uses Khopehs. I'm looking for a more solo type build but that can still DPS. Thanks for any help/builds yall got.
Hey yall. im geting ready to True Reincarnate my Fighter. and im wanting to make either a Dwarven or Halfling Ranger that uses Khopehs. I'm looking for a more solo type build but that can still DPS. Thanks for any help/builds yall got.
Galdair Fairmist,15 Cleric,1 fighter,28 S,30 C,34 W,17 D,17 I,
Verlock Terwand,14 Fighter,1 Ranger,1 Rouge,421 HP,43 UMD,34-40,Str,GTWF
Creolee Williams 2 Fighter 8 Barbarian...TWF Build
Galgone ,13 Cleric,2 Monk,1 Fighter...TWF Build
Dwarf hands down. Only one reason: When a halfling dual wields kopeshes (is that even the plural?) it looks like he fights with two slight odd-shaped butter knives.
Laretes - 20 Cleric
Igel - 18 Rng / 1 Rogue / 1 Mnk
Boulderbash - swings a big Maul
The only reason i was thinking Halfling was the Dragonmarks. You know of any Self suf Dwarven Ranger builds?
Galdair Fairmist,15 Cleric,1 fighter,28 S,30 C,34 W,17 D,17 I,
Verlock Terwand,14 Fighter,1 Ranger,1 Rouge,421 HP,43 UMD,34-40,Str,GTWF
Creolee Williams 2 Fighter 8 Barbarian...TWF Build
Galgone ,13 Cleric,2 Monk,1 Fighter...TWF Build
Pure Tempest rangers are tight on feats, especially if you're going khopesh: Dodge / Mobility / Spring Attack (Tempest 1 pre-reqs); Khopesh; Toughness; Improved Crit; Oversized TWF (Tempest III pre-req) - congrats, your non-human ranger is now out of feats. What do you drop for Dragonmarks?
Now, if you did a ranger 18 with fighter 2 or monk 2, you've got two more feats to spare, so you could squeeze in Dragonmarks that way. You give up Master of Archery, but not a big deal to a TWFer.
Another possible reason to go Dwarf is free dwarven axe feat.
Granted, DAxe damage is not as high as khopesh damage, but still respectable nonetheless.
just my two coins.
If you want to travel quickly, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together.
Forum account 7286 of 424302 (and growing)
Seems you'd be fit for the Exploiter, although i do recomend human...
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
See if i can remember what yall all said ha. I figured id have to take 2 Ftr lvls (Not a Monk person, The khopeshes is cause ive already got Minerals and Chaosblades on him (And ive also got 2 Dwarven axe build already), whats a exploiter build? how would yall do the feats and stats? im really leaning towards halfling with healing mark on this guy just not sure how?
Galdair Fairmist,15 Cleric,1 fighter,28 S,30 C,34 W,17 D,17 I,
Verlock Terwand,14 Fighter,1 Ranger,1 Rouge,421 HP,43 UMD,34-40,Str,GTWF
Creolee Williams 2 Fighter 8 Barbarian...TWF Build
Galgone ,13 Cleric,2 Monk,1 Fighter...TWF Build
i dont know if this will help but for what it is here goes-
as a dwarf you get alittle more SP than most (?). already start +2 resist poison +4 balance and proficiant with any axe
charisma starts at 6 but who cares start 12 wis. put the rest into str.-dex.-con. right now my dwarf is lv 6 str. 17 -
dex. 18- con. 17- int. 8- wis. 12 - car. 6 - 91 hp - 112 sp -
reflex, fort, save, is 9, 10, 6 accordingly
TWF (2) + 2 dwarven war axe 1d10+6 to slash 3 / 20 critical
with +2 shield and +2 axe the AC is 24
with a +3 bow and AA 1 the avg damage about 30 with critical avg 55 +many shot is doubled but only about 3 to 4 shots in 20 sec.
i mostly solo, so most quest even on hard little heal pot are a reality and elite a must. i fight and sneak 1st unless the distance can require ranged especielly to take out more than one caster you really have got to plan a good solo char. and be resistent to spells as best as you can and dish out as much damage as possible (but you knew that)
this is my 2nd build and i am pretty happy so far and way stronger than my 1st build which was human that was not nearly as strong suited all around than my dwarf
but this is by no means a sculped build or (tank) but pretty good concidering not really sure how it will all end i am however going to stay pure AA.
Galdair Fairmist,15 Cleric,1 fighter,28 S,30 C,34 W,17 D,17 I,
Verlock Terwand,14 Fighter,1 Ranger,1 Rouge,421 HP,43 UMD,34-40,Str,GTWF
Creolee Williams 2 Fighter 8 Barbarian...TWF Build
Galgone ,13 Cleric,2 Monk,1 Fighter...TWF Build