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I pug most of the time because I find it entertaining as heck. There are however times when I've had enough f2p, and roll p2p quests. There are even times when that gets annoying and I want guild runs.
Last night:
LFM goes up on a new lv 4 toon: WW hard, lv 3-5, speed runs, BYOH
I stepped in.
By the time I was done with the first part, I had 3 bards, a pally, a wiz, and myself. I wait at the last fight for everyone to get in. One of the bards asks where we are. I tell him WW chapter 1. Everyone shows up except the bard, who asks again where we are, so I tell him again. I give him directions through WW to chapter 1, even though I know how this is going to go.
Finally everyone gets in.
Finish the last fight and move on to chapter 2. The wiz (who made a note of going to buy pots before coming in, but never drank any) dies. And immediately releases. I drop him. The lost bard dies, but is smart enough not to release. One of those two grabbed Arlo during the run and he's about to die. I'm wand whipping Arlo instead of fighting, trying to get him to follow me.
Quest complete.
Run the bard to the shrine (that wasn't cleared because this was a speed run). Get him up. I tell them to FO, and I do so. I make my way to chapter 3 with no blue dots on my WW map, but I see blue bars dropping speedily.
I enter chapter 3 and I'm done clearing the main junction room and on my way to Red when someone says in VC "are you solo'ing chapter 3?"
"Yep. LFM said speed runs. That means when the quest is complete we move on. Feel free to join me if you guys would like to continue the chain with me."
They catch up a bit. Multiple pug deaths later, someone is complaining that we don't have a healer.
BYOH! If you didn't know what it meant, why didn't you ask?
Finally completed WW.
I leave the group and invite the only competent player (a bard) to join me in Depths. I throw up an LFM, same style. During the course of the 4 quests, I get multiple tells asking what BYOH means (yay!) and only a single person joins because we don't have a healer. That person asks where the quest is. We tell him House D. "Is that in Market?" Nope. It's in House D. "I don't see you on my map in Market." That's because we're in a quest in House D. "I'm in Market 2 and I can't see you."
We two-man it with no issues.
I like this bard, but I'm done with f2p content for the night. so I ask him if he's premium, vip, f2p.
He's f2p, so I buy him a pass for STK and open LFM.
We finish with a full group, but they're squishy, so we don't want to bring them with for Tangleroot next (which I buy buy the bard a pass for again).
LFM goes up, same style. But this time "difficulty dependent upon group" is added.
Five ranger icons and a bard. Only 3 of us are actually healing ourselves, two of them are kiting everything and continually dying, and one of them keeps opening everything on elite even though the party is all level 5's and 6's. I tell them that the LFM said difficulty depends on the group, and this group shouldn't be running elite all the way through, and that as the party leader I should be the one opening the quests at an appropriate level. Said player continues to open elite repeatedly. I tell them that as the under-leveled trap monkey, I've had to use skill boost, and a heroism pot just to find the traps, and that elite is going to wipe us.
Finally we finish, and the bard and myself (the two lowest leveled toons in there) were the only ones that never died.
I'm done with pugs for the night. Unfortunately no guildys in that level range were on-line, so I log.
Long story short: I like to pug, until it gets to be too much of a headache. Last night was one of those nights.