Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
How did the maze go?
That must have been entertaining all by itself
Don't let common sense stop you...
Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09
Also shadow crypt underwater mazes, necropolis 3 the underwater one, and.... (need some help here) [EDIT]Ack, that's necro 2 as well. Well, technically you can do them without UA, but it's a lot harder...[/EDIT]
(need to grind me some minos and planar grid as well, though I do already have heavy fort from lv 6 medium fort docent, so I'm not particularly urgent on that)
Last edited by Kyrn; 03-11-2010 at 03:50 AM.
Thelanis - Kyrnis 16 Wiz / 2 Rogue (trap/locksmith)
Thelanis - Kyrven Blade 20 FvS (melee/heal)
Thelanis - Kyrse 20 Monk (dark) (current main)
-- Timezone: UTC +8, plays weekday evenings, weekend random. Very bad Alt-itis habit. --
Last edited by Morningfrost; 03-11-2010 at 03:58 AM.
Originally posted by C-Dog
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.
Originally posted by C-Dog
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.
Very low or atleast for me it is, have been playing for a long time and have never pulled one myself... and trust me I have done more then a few runs lol. but yea its a lot more efficient to just run Bastion for the necklace and pass ur girds off to lowbies.
people actually need UWA in Deleras to get the lever? never even bother giving my toons uwa lol
Yea firewalls don't stack on things that are active at the time it is cast......
and to the Op, since I Tr'd my main I have noticed a lot of this... haven't ran many low lvl quest before this, love joining groups with people who "know" how to do something... but turns out they don't.... and when it turns out they don't and u try to help them.... they get all crazy on u like they are the cookie monster and u stole his cookies or somethin... Since im not in a guild has pretty much resulted in me soloin everythin... normally get it done faster that way neways... and never understand people yelling and just bein downright mean to new players.... I mean I remember a time when I didn't even know how to run WW.... we were all new to the game at one point....
Just really wish new players and a lot of old players would learn to listen and take criticism from people who actually wanna help.... especially those trying to run things like the von raid on lowbies.... yet have no idea how to get thru part 5 or know that they changed part 6..... I will say tho I decided to join an lfm earlier tonight and it actually went well.. even let me lead them thru crucible elite since none of them knew the maze/swim....
I thought it caused fails?
Summon MrCow
Spell Description: Once per day you can call upon the Soloing God of Cheesecake. Casting this causes your knees to shake and your hands to tremble.
Effect: Upon uttering the magical phrase "Oh MrCow is good and great and how about those videos?" MrCow will appear before you. Monsters will run for their lives and doors will psionically seal themselves and go away on holiday until he has left. Any quest you are busy with will assume completion but you will gain no loot, favour or experience. Characters using this spell have been known to vanish as if deleted from the world due shame at having to invoke MrCow and waste his time.
Save: Yes Will (DC 69), monsters making their save will immiediately offer their services to be MrCow's hirleing.
Don't let common sense stop you...
Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09
H) PK the maze mobs - where most of the were shammy/priest - high fort/will creature - i was lv11..
I) No buff policy - even on normal run where most people were under the level req - and he asked a few time for buffes later.
J) Ignoring others strength and weaknesses (lv/gear/capability) and
K) I'm sure i forgot some juicy moment...Did he brag about his greensteel e-peen ?
L) No buff policy again.. darn.. did i forget to say these cometfaller gnolls also use negative spell - death ward someone ???
I agree it was a flagrant example of cheap leadership and i've to tell you that i teleported out of his TS raid a few day before that crucible run. I admit that i had some problem running with the wizzy and i wasn't at my best shape either (after being told a few time at the beginning that i was stupid and asked if i could run the quest "braindead style").
After inspecting his stats on my ddo i'm sure he could solo the whole ddo world by himself at lv12.. .
I will gladly pm the name and also give an extra rotted apple i ran with during the weekend![]()
Last edited by MorningStarSE; 03-11-2010 at 10:13 AM.
Sarlona : The Quebeckers - Soloing, Duoing or Small Group in french
Thelanis : Sofa Kings - Yes, we are that cool
Last edited by Phidius; 03-11-2010 at 02:24 PM. Reason: Found out the name
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]
i was in there with im and we were sending ourselves /tell about it. It was not a joy ride and all because of the said leader. Of course i am tempted to give the name of the guy to prevent anyone having to live thru this, but you know i can't. He is on my squelch list and that is good enough for me
Last edited by fjrrider; 03-11-2010 at 01:14 PM.