A) You will get better results with honey then with angry yelling at group members. Clearly there were some new players in the group (from your leading I am hoping you also) and having something explained to them in two seconds would have been faster and smarter then berating them when they did not read your mind.

B) It is both bad form and stupidity to start the quest off without first even asking if anyone has the skills to get the extra xp and faster run from talking to the guys at the beginning.

C) Saying let me just do this alone and then dying without first figuring out if someone else is better equipped is ill advised. Particularly when it is the swim and you have to borrow an UA item from another party member.

D) Firewalls do not stack by throwing them one on top of each other.

E) Jumping across the top of the maze before it is clear and then yelling for people to come kill the mobs you jumped into was amusing, particularly as it was interlaced with yelling at other group members about how what they were doing was not right.

F) Cloudkill most certainly is a good spell versus red names. It does acid damage and gives the concealment miss chance. This falls under the don't yell at another party member for doing something useful and telling them it is dumb.

G) Telling everyone no buffs are needed constantly is silly to do when you have a bard in party confused about when he is supposed to buff...particularly when you are on the end fight and there is zero reason for the bard not to buff.