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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post

    thats my pally. 78 self buff pa ac. twf str based khop dps with 240% hate. in the 2 months he has been releveled , not a single person has pulled aggro on a raid boss. and my guildies have def tried with their fb3 and kensai 3.

    if you want max dps dont do it. if you want an exceptional raid boss tank do it.
    Your link directs to a secure forum. I would be interested in seeing your build.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Nyeliah View Post
    Your link directs to a secure forum. I would be interested in seeing your build.
    Yes, please post the build. Im also very interested.
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  3. #23
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    Don't forget the Least Dragonmark of the Sentinel.

    If you go human Paladin.

    That's +2 to intimidate, plus it unlocks Deneith Intimidation, up to +4.

    36 intimidate + 6 = 42 intimidate.

    Add in Human Versatility IV for another +5 to skills for 20 seconds, that's 47.

    Add in Greater Heroism, Prayer, Bard Buffs, etc., and you're setting well in the mid 50s.

    You'll be missing out on an extra +10 to intimidate by not picking up at least 1 level of fighter however (which will also grant tower shield proficiency), and your other skills such as jump, balance, tumble, etc. will be lacking.
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  4. #24
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elraido View Post
    They are talkers, not yellers.
    What's more annoying than someone spouting religious talk 24/7. It always gets my aggro.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post

    thats my pally. 78 self buff pa ac. twf str based khop dps with 240% hate. in the 2 months he has been releveled , not a single person has pulled aggro on a raid boss. and my guildies have def tried with their fb3 and kensai 3.

    if you want max dps dont do it. if you want an exceptional raid boss tank do it.
    Spyder, can you post the build directly to the DDO forums please? Us folks don't have access to the Caffeine forums so can't take a look at your build. :-)
    Sorentia d'Kil'ndar ~ Drow Paladin lvl 20 ~ Sarlona Server; Xercia Yokosuka ~ Human Fighter level 7 ~ Sarlona Server~ Sarlona Server; Xercia ~ Elf Fighter level 12 ~ Khyber Server

    When all else fails, blame the smurfs!

    They can make airships, towers floating in the air, but they never think of adding handrails in places like this (Exert from a Hound run from one of our party members)

  6. #26
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    Killrage my Human DOS pally is amazing. He is currently a 2 ftr splash but that will be changed to 1ftr 1 rog most likely the reason being is the dude will want a ton of greensteel already so Id prefer to be able to hit a solid umd easier. I thought of going with a self healing option via spells but again its alot of raiding. With lesser res around now its simply too easy to lesser when you want a fix. Ive found that in parties I tend to keep ce up and stay buffed with shield wands, and bark pots and run twf itiming as he goes. The human dos twf build with kopeshes offers solid dps and great ac. At low to mid lvls they are king and solo beasts. As you lvl up they are still amazing as long as you have the gear. Ill figure out how I tweaked the build and post it for you.


    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  7. #27
    Community Member kamimitsu's Avatar
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    I favor a Dwarf 18Pal/2Ftr. Max ranks intimidate, a few extra feats. Khopesh for smiting.
    The dwarf armor bonuses help you push that AC a bit further. My guy's AC is 65 with no buffs (not in stance, just CE). It'd be 68 if I ever got the Dodge Sovereign rune, and 70 if I get the DoS ring. Add stances and raid buffs and you are looking at mid-high 80s, and something like low 90s when sheild blocking.

    With Shroud Gear, my guy has an intimidate of 54. I need a bit more gear (Head of GF, and +2 CHA skills shroud) to get it to 58. (again, no buffs). With buffs, it hits the mid 60s.

    Any race is doable however, but bear in mind you need fighter or rogue for intimidate. I recommend fighter... evasion is nice, but DoS is designed for heavy armor. Also, don't skimp on STR or CON because all tanks need that. You can get by with 8 WIS (use a +6 item for endgame and you can still throw all your spells, you just won't be able to cast while leveling). High CHA is nice for Divine Might (bonuses on damage), but you won't be able to max it out by any means.

    The last thing to think about is that AC is VERY gear intensive. You will be grinding for every last point of AC. Here is a breakdown of a dwarf 18/2 AC.

    10 base
    15 Armor (DT)
    6 DEX (Dwarf + DoS)
    9 Mith Tower shield
    1 Alchemical Armor Ritual
    1 Alchemical Shield Ritual
    5 nat(bark)
    5 Prot
    1 Dodge feat
    2 Chaos Guards
    4 Insight (shroud Min II or Sovereign rune)
    6 Pali Aura
    2 Recitation
    5 Combat Expertise
    4 DoS Stance Bonus
    4 Bard
    1 Haste
    3 Dodge bonus (Chattering ring or Sovereign rune)
    2 Defend of Siberys Set bonus
    86 AC
    91 AC (blocking)

    Good luck.
    Last edited by kamimitsu; 03-31-2010 at 12:16 AM.
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  8. #28
    Community Member freelove's Avatar
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    Default sorry

    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    If you're looking at elven with a splash of a Class where Intimidate is a Class Skill, I'd recommend Drow 18 Paladin/2 Rogue, instead. When you look at build Ability points, Drow still come out ahead of Elven by a point. The objection that you can't wear Heavy Armor is a wash because your A/C will probably be better where you're allowed more of your Dexterity Bonus. With my Anguirel build, she also has GTWF for a dps-mode where her Intimidate isn't needed. Where it is needed, just turtle up and spam your Intimidate.


    Currently, Anguirel

    Dual-wielding rapiers for a dps-mode, starting Charisma of 17.

    It also takes advantage of UMD.

    I've also been thinking about going with two Deathnips in lieu of the rapiers and taking DM instead of Drow Rapier Enhancements.
    I am confused we are on here talking AC build pally's right? You have a 35 ish AC on that myddo link - lol So no? The only way you can do an evasion build without loosing too **** much in ac and features is the breastplate out of hound - I am debating that now and am hard pressed to want to give up all those nice DT enchancements plus the few extra points in AC.
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  9. #29
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    sorry forgot i had that posted there. i updated the link to the ddo forum page

    for the posters that said they wanted to see it.
    Last edited by spyderwolf; 05-08-2010 at 12:40 AM.

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  10. #30
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    I'm done some side-by-side AC analysis of three of the popular initimitank builds.

    The Pally build with two versions (human and dwarf) requires two fighter splash levels in order to be effective. This means full rank initimidate and additional feats. Paladin's biggest issue is lack of Armour Mastery enhancement. Which is why dwarf is a good option for a Pally AC tank. Fighter AM1 is level 3, so you don't get that in the splash.

    If you want an evasion initimitank best option is WF. Other than docent/mithral body there aren't many useful light armour options over 16 for evasion AC builds - only mithral breastplate +5 from 9 until 20, then some epics.

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