I just parked a FvS at 7th lvl. Had a blast running up to level with max spec'd Soundburst - uber crowd control for those levels. But at current level, it may be time to retire my Evocation spell feats. SoundBurst is simply not landing often enough to justify the 2 feats. I still want it for lesser crowd control, so I need some experts here to check my logic:
Remember, this toon will be perma-parked at 7th level.
Current Feats:
Mental Toughness (human bonus feat)
Emp Healing
Spell Focus - Evocation
Greater Spell Focus - Evocation
empower healing x1.5 heal/undead +10sp
empower x1.5 damage/heal +15sp - dont like turning it on/off
maximize x2 damage/heal +25sp -dont like turning it on/off
heighten +5 per spell lvl raised
Best spells(?): 4/3/2 793 SP
1st lvl (sp 10)
command (will dc20)
2nd lvl (sp 15)
cmw 2d8+7 (vs undead, will save for 1/2)
inflict moderate (2d8+7)
soundburst (fort dc23)
3rd lvl (sp 20)
csw 3d8+7 (vs undead, will save for 1/2)
searing light (3d8 living / 7d6 undead)
inflict serious (3d8+7)
Option1: drop Grtr Spell Focus Evocation for Heighten. No change in SB dc, +2 dc for Command. But I'll be paying +10 sp per Command and +5 per Soundburst.
Option2: drop both SF Evocation feats for Maximize and Empower. Will be wasting mana on inflict and searing, but I'm a FvS, right?
Option3: drop Emp Healing for Maximize. +50% to heals/inflict, and opens up x2 damage for the gimpy searing light. But I always forget to turn Max off.
Option4: drop both SF Evocation feats for Empower and Maximize. Opens up max damage for inflict and searing, but prob a waste of mana. I havent really played around with inflict wounds yet...
Also, SB seems to be the only crowd control spell amoung 1st-3rd lvl spells. Gimping my crowd control?
Option5: ??
Let me know what you think.