Back to the original topic. My point is that the people who are getting evasion are losing out on the capstone. I love the capstone. It's super uber. In terms of sole survivability, I think OP nick is right as always that it helps you more universally than evasion.
But the feats don't fit in on many pure builds. Look at the corners Mellkor has had to cut to achieve his goals on a warforged favored soul.
Those who are doing 18 favored soul / 2 monk (or similar) are not only getting evasion, but they're getting two feats and some new enhancements and proficiencies. Evasion is a nice second best to DR / 10. Those two feats translate into a lot of DPS whether you are talking about greater two weapon fighting or greater two handed fighting.
On your standard warforged favored soul (I am using Melkor as an example, because he has a very typical and effective build), the additional damage difference from glancing blows using the feats is nearly 10% increase in total DPS. It's almost like a ranger going without tempest.
Here's an example of how the
attention to details can change DPS around. Whether you believe in calculators or not, every player can do the basic math to see that when you're adding consistent damage sources, you're going to do more damage per second.
You don't have to believe my numbers. Just think about how adding almost 30% attack speed would increase your effectiveness. Think about how a ravager set, which adds 7 damage (2d6) to every glancing blow and attack, would increase your damage. Think about how having 75% of your attacks have glancing blows and having those glancing blows be more potent would increase your damage.
Melkor's Favored Soul - 248 DPS
Melkor's Favored Soul against DR - 162 DPS
- 16 power attack + 13 strength modifier +2 favored soul feat + 2 favored soul enhancements + 2 shintao monk set bonus + 10 weapon (Epic Sword of Shadows) + 3 divine favor +8 bard song = + 56 damage
- Backstabbing from Tharne's Goggles 50% of the time
- Seeker 6
- Force ritual on Epic SoS
- No twitch; 102 attacks / minute
- No Two Handed Fighting feats; Glancing Blows on 50% of attacks with no additional glancing blow damage
- 0% fort, 0 DR opponent in first number
- DR / 15 and 25% fortification in second number
Look at the possible upgrades you could make on your own platform:
Melee-specced Warforged Favored Soul - 356 DPS
Melee-specced Warforged Favored Soul against DR - 244 DPS
- 16 power attack + 15 strength modifier +2 favored soul feat + 2 favored soul enhancements + 2 shintao monk set bonus + 10 weapon (Epic Sword of Shadows) + 3 divine favor +8 bard song = + 58 damage
- Backstabbing from Tharne's Goggles 50% of the time
- Seeker 8
- Ravager set -- 2d6 on every attack and glancing blow
- Force ritual on Epic SoS
- Twitch; 130 attacks / minute (more possible with practice - Shade says 138)
- Greater Two Handed Fighting feats; Glancing Blows on 50% of attacks (reduced because of twitch) with additional glancing blow damage
- 0% fort, 0 DR opponent in first number
- DR / 15 and 25% fortification in second number
This is a very generous amount of DR and fortification to consider. I am trying to keep this build in the most favorable situation possible. Much more DR or fortification and the character would need to switch to a mineral II to overcome the loss of dps from DR.
The second setup does almost
144% the DPS of the first build. The people who choose to splash for feats are not getting "nothing" in return.
It's not just "evasion builds" vs. "non evasion builds". There's a lot more to it. So many people are looking at a /2 monk splash and all they can think of is an ac / finesse build -- not a true strength build. The extra feats allow for the same metamagics while still giving some survivability in the form of evasion.
Build variety is a good thing! Play what you enjoy. It's just bad form to discount every other option out there, and tends to keep you from being your best .