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  1. #41
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenik View Post
    Cyr, are you confusing me with the OP?
    No, I am not. I have not commented upon any of your posts in thread. The OP said to save the difficult tedious quests for those who want greater rewards after already dismissing casual option as not good enough for him because of it's reduced rewards. His whole post pointed towards wanting easy quests with similar rewards and then he threw in a one liner. it's kind of like someone who says "I'm not racist" and then makes a racist comment.
    Last edited by Cyr; 03-09-2010 at 02:52 PM.
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
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  2. #42
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    Cool, thanks Lerincho, is that your character name?

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    No, I am not. I have not commented upon any of your posts in thread. The OP said to save the difficult tedious quests for those who want greater rewards after already dismissing casual option as not good enough for him because of it's reduced rewards. His whole post pointed towards wanting easy quests with similar rewards and then he threw in a one liner. it's kind of like someone who says "I'm not racist" and then makes a racist comment.
    Huh? When did I say I wanted greensteel item from quest(BTW, ingredients and named loot still drop on casual, bub)? Are you out of your mind? I said I wanted as much content 15-20 as there is 10-15. Where in god's green earth did you get the idea I was asking for overpowered gear? If by rewards you mean XP. Hey, I'll take similar XP as I was getting on level 7-10 quest. Oh wait...

    I just want to be able to enjoy the game like I did 1-14. If that means I'm a racist, then so be it.
    Last edited by TheBroken_JPK; 03-09-2010 at 08:46 PM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBroken_JPK View Post
    Huh? When did I say I wanted greensteel item from quest(BTW, ingredients and named loot still drop on casual, bub)? Are you out of your mind? I said I wanted as much content 15-20 as there is 10-15. Where in god's green earth did you get the idea I was asking for overpowered gear? If by rewards you mean XP. Hey, I'll take similar XP as I was getting on level 7-10 quest. Oh wait...

    I just want to be able to enjoy the game like I did 1-14. If that means I'm a racist, then so be it.
    I dont know what it means...but it may mean for now going back and making new toons or TRing old ones.

    I mean 10-15 content had more time to be developed because its been out level cap 16 means not much was done above that until that raised.

    I would think that they had to add content and will. The new pace of updates is rather refreshing. It is certainly better than the long cold stint.

    Anyways i agree more is better. But i think we will have to be patient.

  5. #45
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default Skimmed the high points of this thread, and will prolly get neg'd :)

    but I see a common complaint uttered by a whole lot of people, ie, there is never a LFM for something I want to do or I don't know how to run x,y or z quest so I have to wait....

    Ummmmm, everyone was new once (for me twice, played 4 months at launch, then got talked back into it in '08 by my wife) and I don't know all the content, and some things I don't run because I don't want to subject anyone else to me fumbling around in the quest or posting a 'need guide' LFM, but that is just me.

    Point is, start a group, or try something on Casual or Normal to check it out, even if you fail, you will have more information for the next time, also, step out of your comfort zone and run a quest you don't know if it is in the LFM, you might not get as much exp as the high exp quests, but you will get more exp than if you stood around looking for a group for an hour.

    I see a lot of people running the same 10 quests over and over to level as quickly as possible, well, it takes more exp at higher levels and groups are more selective because when you level up by running a few quests over and over, you don't learn all the skills necessary to contribute at higher levels, and peeps don't want to carry someone thru a quest if they don't have to.

    Sorry, maybe derailed a little, and points may have been hashed already, and I would like to see some higher level content myself, bbbuuuuttttt, I have not personally completed every quest and every raid yet, and if I want to do something, I put up and LFM or ask in guild and if no one wants to go, I go try it out on Normal, poke around and have a good time, or find something else to do.

    Moral of this winding/multi-directionally challenged post, put up your own LFM or check out some content for yourself, you may be glad you did

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  6. #46
    Community Member Sweetsoul86's Avatar
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    I agree that more new content is needed but I'm sure they're making it, new high level has been coming out regularly since ftp went live in September. The waits we've been having for new content has been extremely short in recent months in comparison from when I first started playing and I'm glad that they're making a concentrated effort to make more content in a timely manner.

    I know it can be very difficult to find groups especially as a newer player but I have to ask, are you in a guild? If you're not I can't stress enough how important it can be to find the right guild for you, with players who are regularly on at the same hours as you are who are willing to help you out with whatever quests you're looking to do and then you won't have to solo. The guild I'm in frequently has guild runs both scheduled and spur of the moment based on who needs help with what and when we have a new player we spend a great deal of time getting them ready, helping them learn quests, helping them flag etc. A good guild can solve a lot of your trouble.

    Quote Originally Posted by KKDragonLord View Post
    uhm... no. i was trying to be helpful.

    I do appreciate it. I'm also trying to be helpful. The game really needs content that isn't aimed towards people with the best gear and knowledge. I wasn't around when there were tons of raids for DQ and Titan's. There is little chance of me getting that gear. There should be content for all the new people coming into DDO. Casual option is a cop out(still can't do casual when 3 people are needed, or you need an arcane caster). No one wants to do casual, and lose all the XP/loot. That includes me.

    Why are there no quest in the vale(or anywhere) that I can go in, and just slaughter? Why is everything a puzzle that needs 3 people to solve? Or I need a wizard, cleric, and rogue to do just one part?

    Yes, save the difficult, tedious quest for those that give the great rewards. What if I just want to have fun? Too bad? It seems I have to make another toon, and level him up just to have fun.

    This is the suggestion forum. If I wanted people to tell me to suck it up, or cancel I would have gone to the gameplay forum. I sucked it up in EQ. I spent hours lfg there back in the day. I won't be doing that anymore. Too many things to do in life, beside sit LFG hours on end.
    Okay, so I've put the things I'm talking about in bold, you did say you wouldn't do casual because of the hit to xp/loot so it's not hard to interpret that as wanting easier quests that give equal xp/loot so Cyr really wasn't making a far jump based on what you said when he said the following.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    The OP wants easy high level content. There is no other way to interpret this. The inspired quarter and casual mode already introduced brain dead content in the high level range. I for one would hate to see more development time wasted on this type of junk.

    OP, if you want to solo then do casual. Why in the world would you expect comparable rewards for something that you think should be designed to be way easier?

    Dev's add more quality high level content. Interesting designed, appropriately difficult for the level content. For high level that means tougher since you should have an idea how to play by this point.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xenik View Post
    Cyr, are you confusing me with the OP? Anyway, the OP specifically said he didnt mind less rewards he just wanted the XP. You should read posts better if you are going to spend the time reading them. Read this... Ghosts of perdition at level 14, bit challenging? Or are you so elite now that beating a spectral beholder is like fighting a large rat? I have a level 16 fighter and I am a newer player, I cannot simply walk up and smack a spectral beholder and tell him who his daddy is. I know you old school leet players can, but it is hard for us newer guys to complete the higher level quests because a lot of old schoolers cant stand the newer players incompetency. I can duo a lot of quests faster than a full group can because of quality, but this ended at 16 when questing became very difficult and groups became very sparse. Loot? keep it ALL. give me a chance to make XP. Is that clear enough in regards to loot vs. difficulty?

    Cyr had not confused the OP for you Xenik, you probably just missed the post that was my first quote. Unless I've missed a post I didn't see him specifically say he didn't mind less rewards I only saw him say he didn't want casual because he'd lose out on xp/loot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    No, I am not. I have not commented upon any of your posts in thread. The OP said to save the difficult tedious quests for those who want greater rewards after already dismissing casual option as not good enough for him because of it's reduced rewards. His whole post pointed towards wanting easy quests with similar rewards and then he threw in a one liner. it's kind of like someone who says "I'm not racist" and then makes a racist comment.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBroken_JPK View Post
    Huh? When did I say I wanted greensteel item from quest(BTW, ingredients and named loot still drop on casual, bub)? Are you out of your mind? I said I wanted as much content 15-20 as there is 10-15. Where in god's green earth did you get the idea I was asking for overpowered gear? If by rewards you mean XP. Hey, I'll take similar XP as I was getting on level 7-10 quest. Oh wait...

    I just want to be able to enjoy the game like I did 1-14. If that means I'm a racist, then so be it.
    Cyr never suggested that you wanted raid loot or greensteel or anything of the like as I mentioned before it's easy for what you said to be read exactly as he put it, I'm not suggesting that's what you meant but it's easy to read it that way and if the quest is as challenging as something level 7-10 then why shouldn't the rewards, xp or loot be the same as what you'd get at levels 7-10.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sogrin View Post
    Please be advised that when dealing with Khyberians, do not take everything for granted, always expect the worse and maybe you'll survive the first 5 minutes of what some of us will do to you. ESPECIALLY Sweetsoul.

  7. #47
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    am I missing something? at lvl 15/16 you have the option of the desert on elite, gianthold on hard/elite, the orchard on norm/hard/elite, the vale on normal/hard, reavers refuge on normal, and the inspired quarter on normal. Not to mention the two new F2P quests in the 12. The only thing I'd stay away from is raids (b/c of the powerleveling penalty) and amrath quests (as these are far easier 17-20 than 16-18 untwinked)

    heck you can hit 15/16 easy w/o even walking into the vale; and theres enough exp in there to get you to 17 where you can start casually raiding w/o extra penalties.

    yes more content would be GREAT; and I dont think any one of us would complain (well they shouldnt, but i'm sure some ****** would). But theres plenty of content and variety to take you away from the mid teens.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  8. #48
    Community Member Sweetsoul86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    am I missing something? at lvl 15/16 you have the option of the desert on elite, gianthold on hard/elite, the orchard on norm/hard/elite, the vale on normal/hard, reavers refuge on normal, and the inspired quarter on normal. Not to mention the two new F2P quests in the 12. The only thing I'd stay away from is raids (b/c of the powerleveling penalty) and amrath quests (as these are far easier 17-20 than 16-18 untwinked)

    heck you can hit 15/16 easy w/o even walking into the vale; and theres enough exp in there to get you to 17 where you can start casually raiding w/o extra penalties.

    yes more content would be GREAT; and I dont think any one of us would complain (well they shouldnt, but i'm sure some ****** would). But theres plenty of content and variety to take you away from the mid teens.
    I can't speak for the OP or anyone else but I took this post to be talking about high level quests 15 and up and the OP was asking for stuff that doesn't necessarily require full parties/stuff that can be done without every class there. So yes you're right there is a lot of stuff for around 15-16 but above that not so much considering we haven't exactly had level 17-20 all that long compared to the lower levels that have had four years of development and in some peoples opinion there needs to be more quests for people who are maybe not on at peak hours and having difficulty finding groups at level 15-20, especially newer players with smaller friend bases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sogrin View Post
    Please be advised that when dealing with Khyberians, do not take everything for granted, always expect the worse and maybe you'll survive the first 5 minutes of what some of us will do to you. ESPECIALLY Sweetsoul.

  9. #49
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    There is plenty enough XP past level 15, but nowhere near the content when you compare it to pre-15.

    I love Vale, but would really like to see some more higher level packs come out.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  10. #50
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBroken_JPK View Post
    Huh? When did I say I wanted greensteel item from quest(BTW, ingredients and named loot still drop on casual, bub)? Are you out of your mind? I said I wanted as much content 15-20 as there is 10-15. Where in god's green earth did you get the idea I was asking for overpowered gear? If by rewards you mean XP. Hey, I'll take similar XP as I was getting on level 7-10 quest. Oh wait...

    I just want to be able to enjoy the game like I did 1-14. If that means I'm a racist, then so be it.
    Ignoring your post about the reasons why you think there is too little content in the level range I can certainly agree with one premise...More content in the high level range is a good thing. Easy content and solo content I would rather they not waste their time on though. We've got Inspired Quarter, Dark Delving, and casual setting for that.

    Now, let's go back to your post where you explain your reasoning for why you think there is not enough content. You complain about difficult tedious quests in that range. Along with the need for having a party. You also throw in some complaints about quests being built assuming you have some loot.

    All that points to one thing. You want easy content. Something you can solo = easy. Something you don't need decent gear for = easy. Shorter = easier.

    You also said you will not run casual mode because of it's reduced rewards.

    So clearly you were asking for easy high level content with comparable rewards.

    No one said anything about raid loot until your above quoted post.

    So I have one simple answer for you. IF you really don't want the same rewards for easy content, but want to run stuff that you can tear through in the high levels then RUN CASUAL MODE. ANYTIME THEY ADD NEW HIGH LEVEL CONTENT YOU WILL STILL HAVE THIS OPTION WITHOUT THEM HAVING TO DUMB DOWN THE CONTENT FOR EVERYONE ELSE.
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
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  11. #51
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    Cyr, did you enjoy levels 1-15? Do you notice a huge difference in levels 16-20? I was logged in last night and I was looking for quests to do, there is 1 level 16 quest in the game (or was it 15). One quest and one raid level 16(15? bad memory) I agree with the OP this isnt much questing at this level. You do not want easy mode so you must feels these 2 ways, #1, you do not like the game from levels 1-15 (it is awesome and easy). #2 you do not twink characters you create with all your uber items, like minos helm, greensteel, etc. (this keeps it challenging to you) I promise you are in a minority. While at level 16 I am stuggling doing vale quests (cant do them without a guide, PC or online) and the difficulty factor is very high. Yet, I see other level 16s all pimped out so they turn vale content to trivial for them. Seems like even you old school elitists like to make it easy on yourself. And even if you play a permadeath challenging type environment, again, I promise you are the minority.

  12. #52
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenik View Post
    Cyr, did you enjoy levels 1-15? Do you notice a huge difference in levels 16-20? I was logged in last night and I was looking for quests to do, there is 1 level 16 quest in the game (or was it 15). One quest and one raid level 16(15? bad memory) I agree with the OP this isnt much questing at this level. You do not want easy mode so you must feels these 2 ways, #1, you do not like the game from levels 1-15 (it is awesome and easy). #2 you do not twink characters you create with all your uber items, like minos helm, greensteel, etc. (this keeps it challenging to you) I promise you are in a minority. While at level 16 I am stuggling doing vale quests (cant do them without a guide, PC or online) and the difficulty factor is very high. Yet, I see other level 16s all pimped out so they turn vale content to trivial for them. Seems like even you old school elitists like to make it easy on yourself. And even if you play a permadeath challenging type environment, again, I promise you are the minority.
    Boo hoo you don't have the gear yet? No one started with it. All us 'old school elitists' rolled up tons of alts and grinded out gear. Join a group for vale stuff there are tons of them up each day, do some IQ quests, do some casual refuge quests, do some hard necro 4 quests, do some elite gianthold quests, do some elite necro 4 quests... You will hit 17 real fast. The vale is supposed to be a little challenging at 16 without gear. If it's too tough make sure you have a well balanced group. If it's still too tough figure out what is wrong with your toon/gear or your approach. Maybe run some elite quests from the other areas in the meanwhile. Remember that an hard quest gives you xp as if it was a one level higher then it's base and an elite two levels higher. So elite gianthold or necro 4 can be run with level 16's with no xp penalty from being too high a level.

    Dumbing down the content does not serve your long term goals either. Eventually you will get the gear too. Gimping your own toon as the only way to make a viable challenge is counterproductive to the long term health of any game as character improvement is a strong motivator for many MMO players. Take away that goal and you lose players in droves. It's just like the TR players are not saying heck that lower level stuff is too easy because I have all this gear from my past life make everything harder to compensate for my current condition. No, they grind out the levels get to cap and get to play the hard content.
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  13. #53
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    am I missing something? at lvl 15/16 you have the option of the desert on elite, gianthold on hard/elite, the orchard on norm/hard/elite, the vale on normal/hard, reavers refuge on normal, and the inspired quarter on normal. Not to mention the two new F2P quests in the 12. The only thing I'd stay away from is raids (b/c of the powerleveling penalty) and amrath quests (as these are far easier 17-20 than 16-18 untwinked)

    heck you can hit 15/16 easy w/o even walking into the vale; and theres enough exp in there to get you to 17 where you can start casually raiding w/o extra penalties.

    yes more content would be GREAT; and I dont think any one of us would complain (well they shouldnt, but i'm sure some ****** would). But theres plenty of content and variety to take you away from the mid teens.
    I do not disagree with you exactly Blacksteel. The last 6 months have been up to standard in terms of amount of content produced but the year and a half prior to that was clearly not good enough in terms of content produced. It shows up as a little less content from 15-20 then there is in the other 3 level ranges. There still needs to be more high level content non epic in my opinion especially when you look at things through a TR or double TR point of view.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  14. #54
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenik View Post
    Cyr, did you enjoy levels 1-15? Do you notice a huge difference in levels 16-20? I was logged in last night and I was looking for quests to do, there is 1 level 16 quest in the game (or was it 15). One quest and one raid level 16(15? bad memory) I agree with the OP this isnt much questing at this level. You do not want easy mode so you must feels these 2 ways, #1, you do not like the game from levels 1-15 (it is awesome and easy). #2 you do not twink characters you create with all your uber items, like minos helm, greensteel, etc. (this keeps it challenging to you) I promise you are in a minority. While at level 16 I am stuggling doing vale quests (cant do them without a guide, PC or online) and the difficulty factor is very high. Yet, I see other level 16s all pimped out so they turn vale content to trivial for them. Seems like even you old school elitists like to make it easy on yourself. And even if you play a permadeath challenging type environment, again, I promise you are the minority.
    Suck it up.. The Vale is not too difficult sorry. You can still get through the Vale quests on casual if you can not handle normal and if that is not good enough for you so be it.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    Ignoring your post about the reasons why you think there is too little content in the level range I can certainly agree with one premise...More content in the high level range is a good thing. Easy content and solo content I would rather they not waste their time on though. We've got Inspired Quarter, Dark Delving, and casual setting for that.

    Now, let's go back to your post where you explain your reasoning for why you think there is not enough content. You complain about difficult tedious quests in that range. Along with the need for having a party. You also throw in some complaints about quests being built assuming you have some loot.

    All that points to one thing. You want easy content. Something you can solo = easy. Something you don't need decent gear for = easy. Shorter = easier.

    You also said you will not run casual mode because of it's reduced rewards.

    So clearly you were asking for easy high level content with comparable rewards.

    No one said anything about raid loot until your above quoted post.

    So I have one simple answer for you. IF you really don't want the same rewards for easy content, but want to run stuff that you can tear through in the high levels then RUN CASUAL MODE. ANYTIME THEY ADD NEW HIGH LEVEL CONTENT YOU WILL STILL HAVE THIS OPTION WITHOUT THEM HAVING TO DUMB DOWN THE CONTENT FOR EVERYONE ELSE.
    You feel as though I'm asking for something that wasn't in the game from level 1-14. All I'm asking is that my experience be the same throughout the journey. There is no reason to penalize me, because I'm now level 16. I feel like I'm being penalized for playing my character. I never ran casual. I did a lot of quest that are considered difficult by many. I did all the content in necro tier 1-3(I also led a successful GoD and DToV). I had to lead all of those "groups". I have my necklace. You're here trying to tell me I don't do content that is tough? I'd think that content is hard enough for someone with a lot of nice gear, let alone a guy that just started playing.

    Something you find easy to solo with all your awesome gear and vast knowledge, doesn't mean someone that joined 3 months ago can solo it or run it in record time. I'm asking for content that has the ability, with smart play, to be overcome by the fresher blood coming in.

    If IQ is like that, then great. I've never heard of it until I posted this.

  16. #56
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    Suck it up isn't a solution. Why would you waste your time posting that unless you wanted to get involved in some trollathon with me. Here is my perspective. Vale groups are not going off all the time as Cyr thinks they are. If DDO is constantly wanting new players introduced there needs to be a way for us to catch up. Since old content is not done as much as new stuff, therefore less groups. A lot of TRs that I see, or have known usually stick to their buddies/friends/guilds. They aren't out there putting up LFMs every 15 minutes. I check everyday for groups. I know this to be true. Cyr complained he doesn't want the content to be any easier. Why the &$%! does he care how hard/easy I have it? If he likes a challenge do the vale naked. I want a challenge, not mission impossible. Yes, I do see his point, I can grind it out like you all did, but remember, there are less groups now because you are established players, that either don't REQUIRE groups anymore or have static groups/friends/guild. I love the game either way, I just came here to find some answers, and I got a few. I plan to revisit GH and Necro4, and the sands even to grind out some XP (doing some quests on hard, not sure if elite is an option b/c from my experience elite shamans will lightning bolt you for millions of dmg) I appreciate the good advice but why did Cyr and Matt even post? I knew your types would post but really, what is your point? Suck it up? Seriously guys, if your advice isn't any better than that leave it to some of the veterans willing to give good advice and just don't bother posting.

  17. #57
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default We didn't run it in record time when we first tried it either

    had to work at it, learn the quest, get better gear, etc.

    The challenge should ramp up at the higher lower levels you are LEARNING the game, at higher levels you should be PLAYING the game, ie, you should understand the mechanics and requirements that higher level content requires.

    If you don't have time to run a quest, or can't find a group, run slayers to kill time/gather loot/refine your tactics.

    I would like to see some higher level content, but I want it to be punishing and require good tactics/decent builds and some cooperation, not make some higher level content that I can put a blindfold on and finish in 20 min without ever taking my finger off the attack button.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  18. #58
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    and to think i got so much neg rep out of this thread

  19. #59
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBroken_JPK View Post
    If IQ is like that, then great. I've never heard of it until I posted this.
    I think this sums up this entire thread. You are complaining about the content in a certain level range and do not even know of an entire adventure pack in that level range. Next time maybe play a little longer and you might not find that vale stuff that hard me with smart play you can beat vale content just fine. I know entire guilds of new players who have done so just fine.
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  20. #60
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default Actually, this is kinda false

    Quote Originally Posted by Xenik View Post
    Suck it up isn't a solution. Why would you waste your time posting that unless you wanted to get involved in some trollathon with me. Here is my perspective. Vale groups are not going off all the time as Cyr thinks they are. If DDO is constantly wanting new players introduced there needs to be a way for us to catch up. Since old content is not done as much as new stuff, therefore less groups. A lot of TRs that I see, or have known usually stick to their buddies/friends/guilds. They aren't out there putting up LFMs every 15 minutes. I check everyday for groups. I know this to be true. Cyr complained he doesn't want the content to be any easier. Why the &$%! does he care how hard/easy I have it? If he likes a challenge do the vale naked. I want a challenge, not mission impossible. Yes, I do see his point, I can grind it out like you all did, but remember, there are less groups now because you are established players, that either don't REQUIRE groups anymore or have static groups/friends/guild. I love the game either way, I just came here to find some answers, and I got a few. I plan to revisit GH and Necro4, and the sands even to grind out some XP (doing some quests on hard, not sure if elite is an option b/c from my experience elite shamans will lightning bolt you for millions of dmg) I appreciate the good advice but why did Cyr and Matt even post? I knew your types would post but really, what is your point? Suck it up? Seriously guys, if your advice isn't any better than that leave it to some of the veterans willing to give good advice and just don't bother posting.
    The last 6 months or so before DDO:EU went live were a veritable ghost town in most areas (the vale being somewhat an exception cause there were still shrouds going on).

    With the new influx of players, there are a lot MORE people playing the game, but you want a vet to drag you thru content because you can't be bothered to start your own group and learn the quest, that is why we care about the quests being dumbed down, because we like it to be challenging, not an easy button.

    If you want content and want to learn, and don't have optimum gear, that is what casual mode and hirelings are for, use the tools provided you, don't get bent out of shape because the entire server population is not catering to your whims.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

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