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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Things I miss in the game

    Yes I know some of these are from WoW or EQ2 or what ever. Yes they are probably in some thread 28 pages down...

    AH first -

    1. Search (OK so this is the to 10 items, we can't seem to emphasize this enough)
    - by name
    - by state mod
    2. Preview - Dressing room - what ever, let us see what that armor or weapon looks like equipped.

    Logging, come on please give us some logging. Everyone talks about DPS why not lets us turn on a simple log to get everything that is spewed out into the possible windows. I would settle for everything, I can write something to parse through it.

    Shared friends/squelch list. Really I don't need the shared friends, but the shared squelch would be nice, it would also be nice to be able to squelch an account, so I don't have to worry about Iamanidot restarting as Iamanidot2. (No one has implemented this on any game, I just keep wishing). I would love a friend that worked by account too.

    These are the only things I can come up with before I have coffee, but I was just thinking on these last night when I bought a horrific looking piece of armor. (Or half the time when I put a pansy looking docent on my wizard)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorad View Post

    1. Search (OK so this is the to 10 items, we can't seem to emphasize this enough)
    - by name
    - by state mod
    2. Preview - Dressing room - what ever, let us see what that armor or weapon looks like equipped.
    y, i really don't get this too. lotro, that is built on a similar engine (as far as i know) as ddo, has both of this options working well for quite some time.
    the preview thingy is mere cosmetical and wouldn't make me sleepless however.
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
    Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing Warforged
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  3. #3
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    i wish they rendered toons as they do during creation, with the weapons and what visible when sheathed.

    they've obviously got some code to be able to do it.

    agree with op too.

  4. #4
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    Autofollow. There I said it.
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  5. #5
    Community Member Garseya's Avatar
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    A shared friends and shared squelch list would be nice. While we're wishing, how about a bag for reagents, wands, and potions. The ability to upload your own bard music or choose from a select song list so that each different bard buff has a different song. Drop the fee for a Sorcerec to swap out a spell... 17k plat for a level 5 spell CMAWN!

    Happy loots all!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garseya View Post
    A shared friends and shared squelch list would be nice. While we're wishing, how about a bag for reagents, wands, and potions. The ability to upload your own bard music or choose from a select song list so that each different bard buff has a different song. Drop the fee for a Sorcerec to swap out a spell... 17k plat for a level 5 spell CMAWN!

    Happy loots all!
    I do'nt think removing the plat since for sorc spells is a good idea. Sorcs already have it far easier to get spells than a wizard does.

    Want a new lvl 9 spell?
    Sorc says, sure I got some plat, let me go change it out.
    Wiz says, hmm. I didn't take that one at level up, there are no scrolls of it on the AH. I guess I'm screwed.

    I'm pretty sure my wizard doesn't change more than a spell or two per level every three days.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by weyoun View Post
    Autofollow. There I said it.
    Why, get lost alot Lysol? Don't tell me it's for the noobs, noob!
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  8. #8


    I don't want the Dressing room. I want a costume tab. If the armour is good, I will wear it. But if it is ugly, I don't want to be SEEN in it.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  9. #9
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    Well if they could make guildhalls with areas like IMVU maybe my wife would play more often..... </end partial sarcasm>

    The ability to have your own background music would be nice, I turn music off in most games because it becomes repetitive.

    Search would be very nice as well, I might actually use the AH more than once a month....

    More crafting at lower levels, I like crafting weapons and armor to fit my taste or need. The random drop stuff is ok but I don't have a capped toon I can use to twink out my lower level characters and all my money goes to keeping my main cleric supplied or buy new spells for a wizard I've just rolled.

  10. #10
    Community Member Kaervas's Avatar
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    Flip Camera button.

    Press to toggle the camera view to look behind your character, without affecting movement controls.

    Tab target will now select things in your new field of vision (you still have to actually turn your avatar around to face something if you want to cast at it).

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