Alright so yesterday I'm hanging out on Korthos Island on a new character working out a build that I came across late last week. Since it seemed interesting and was something that fit my playstyle I decided to give it a whirl. So there I am on my unguilded test character from my second account running around Korthos Village and the Island. Being bored to tears because I've done those quests ad nauseum I decide to "listen in" on the General/Advice/Trade chatter. Bad idea I know but didn't I mention that I was bored?
So as is the typical conversation threads running rampant in that part of our game I got to hear how WOW was the best game evah, everyone is a noob, some poor chap looking for more people to help on such and such a quest because it is just too hard on normal and how this one person could decimate us all. I will admit that once in a while there is a legitimate question and sometimes there is an actual valid answer thrown out there. Well I pick up on one conversation and there is Mr. Z spouting off providing answers as fast as his little fingers could type. He then goes on to tell everyone how he is a 37 point build.
Hmmm, interesting I think. To the best of my knowledge and belief the best one could do is a 36 point build (2 TRs). I politely say this and I am told I am wrong. Mr. Z ate 5 tomes. Oh okay so he has a 32 point build and ate 5 tomes. Great I tell him, but build points only relate to character creation, at least in my humble opinion. Mr. Z seems to take offense at this and he decides to silence me with the following which I paraphase: "I have 2500 favor points that I earned and 7 level 20 toons so I know what I'm talking about and you obviously don't"
Okay then. Good for him. I quickly look up Mr. Z on the who list and yup he is a FvS...level 4 mind you from some guild I had never ever heard of. So I think to myself...self is this guy with 2500 earned favor points and 7 level 20 characters serious? Does he actually feel that points gained through tomes are considered build points? Giving the gent the benefit of the doubt since I am not omnipotent and there may be many players out there that consider this to be a true statement. To each his own since I don't like to make waves. However, something just bugged me. You know got under my skin about the who "attitude" of Mr. Z.
Well after a few minutes of listening to the devil on my left shoulder argue with the the devil on my right shoulder I decide to send Mr. Z a tell to ask who his alts are. While I wait for a response I quickly myDDO Mr. Z and find out he is the leader of his guild and it has....wait for some member....him!
So Mr. Z thinking that he is just that smart responds to my tell with a list of character names. I quickly decide to check them out one by one to verify the seven level 20s and to be honest snoop at his gear.Well funny thing. It turns out that NONE of his characters were 20 with the highest being a 18th level sorc. I did notice that all of the characters were from what I consider an old school guild that I have seen around/heard since I started playing 3½ years ago.
While I'm doing my little private eye work on his characters he does ask who my alts are. Since I wasn't quick to respond he made some little snarky response about my silence. Well since the characters I'd been viewing are from this old school guild I felt there was no reason to get upity over it and since my character might not make it out of Korthos I just told him I was a nobody. I didn't need to start some brewhaha between our ego just isn't that big.
Deciding that I truly didn't like his snarky responses to this point I let him know that I did check him out on myDDO and I found it funny how he claimed he had 7 level 20 characters but according to Turbine he had none. Mr. Z then started the back peddle telling me how he holds back his characters for raiding purposes and it is a very common practice amongst the raiding guilds. "Hey" he tells me "just talk to some of the members in Bane and they'll tell you". Hmmmm, Bane? Why would I ask them since you're in a different guild and why would you even mention them? Heck, I know a few people from there (the former loner, the evil one, and the one who's motto is "save a a beaver") and have some guildies who came from there as well.
I politely tell Mr. Z that I think he is a liar and tell him that our conversation is over since I won't waste any more time on him. He gets in one more snarky comment and I go about my business.
To the veteran players:
I am beginning to understand and appreciate that many of you have abandoned helping out new players and providing advice or answering questions. I've have resisted that temptation in hopes of finding some gems amongst the turds. But if this kind of "my johnson puts Ron Jeremy to shame" behavior and attitude persists with some of these new comers I might just find myself being that old crotchy guy sitting in the rocking chair on the porch yelling at the neighborhood kids to keep of the grass. If that happens I'll be seeing you at the DDO nursing home.
To the new (9/09) players:
I'm not against any of you and I'm glad that you have joined our game simply for the fact that you have given Turbine the revenue stream it needed to keep the doors open and the lights on. My only suggestion is that respect is earned through your actions and the merits of your game play. If you have questions you should ask because nine times out of ten if a vet player answers you'll get an appropriate answer. We do ask a lot of you but remember we had nothing when we started. We earned what many of you take for granted. If you can do one thing for me during your trip through Stormreach I ask that you keep your head down, listen, and learn how to follow directions. You can talk smack all you want to your guildies, group and friends. Heck some of the best times I've had in this game are those when we're running some quest and we're more into the banter than the quest objectives.
I'm not sure where Mr. Z fit in and if the old school guild characters he provided me were his or not. I hope not both for that guild's sake because it doesn't help my opinion of them (it was neutral before since I never had any real interaction or run in with their members before).
So for now this veteran casual power-gamer is sitting by the side of the road deciding which path to take. Do I abandon the froobs or do I continue to hunt for gems?![]()