I have a habbit of lurking on the forums everytime I am about to roll a class I have not played before. same goes for my bard project, so after looking at several bard builds out there I have come up with something that seems appealing to me.
now, what I would appreciate is for some of the ppl that have hands on experience with playing a bard to take a look at the build and point out any obvious flaws, shortcomings, mistakes, etc.
the concept is a warchanter build, melee focused, taking a spash of 2 fighter and 2 barbarian for the extra feats/rage/dmg. he keeps the full 2hf line, IC-slashing, one toughness, extend and maximize.
I am not quite sure about the maximize there, considering swapping it for Force of Personality. I suppose that will depend on if I want to be more selfish and keep myself able to cast while in melee or simply use the mass cures to help the healers top off the group between fights. still torn about this but I am leaning towards the latter. after all, this build would lose out a lot if it doesn't rage/madstone etc as often as it can.
so, here is the general template:
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.32 DDO Character Planner Home Page Heavy Metal Level 20 Chaotic Neutral Warforged Male (2 Fighter \ 2 Barbarian \ 16 Bard) Hit Points: 312 Spell Points: 590 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 9 Will: 8 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 16 24 Dexterity 8 8 Constitution 16 20 Intelligence 8 8 Wisdom 6 6 Charisma 16 20 Tomes Used +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7 [B] [/COLOR] Level 1 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+3) Skill: Haggle (+4) Skill: Jump (+4) Skill: Perform (+4) Skill: Tumble (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+4) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Level 2 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting Level 3 (Barbarian) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1.5) Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Level 4 (Barbarian) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+0.5) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 5 (Fighter) Skill: Concentration (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack Level 6 (Bard) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Swim (+4) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Spell (1): Focusing Chant Level 7 (Bard) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+3) Spell (1): Remove Fear Level 8 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Perform (+4) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (2): Rage Spell (2): Soundburst Level 9 (Bard) Skill: Haggle (+2) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting Spell (2): Blur Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds Level 10 (Bard) Skill: Haggle (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 11 (Bard) Skill: Haggle (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (3): Displacement Spell (2): Invisibility Spell (3): Haste Level 12 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Haggle (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Spell (3): Good Hope Level 13 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 14 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds Spell (4): Freedom of Movement Spell (4): Otto's Sphere of Dancing Level 15 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting Spell (4): Dimension Door Level 16 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 17 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (4): Dominate Person Spell (5): Greater Heroism Spell (5): Mass Cure Light Wounds Level 18 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Spell (5): Mass Suggestion Level 19 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 20 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Detect Secret Doors Spell (5): Shadow Walk Spell (6): Mass Cure Moderate Wounds Spell (6): Otto's Irresistable Dance Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage I Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I Enhancement: Bard Extra Song II Enhancement: Bard Extra Song III Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song III Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song IV Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Bard Song Magic I Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music II Enhancement: Bard Charisma I Enhancement: Bard Charisma II Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery I Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery II Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery III Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
any comments/critique and flaming welcome![]()