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There is 1 (ONE) rule for looting in DDO, and it is very explicit:
- If it has your name on it, it is yours
This is not WoW where you have people who change loot rights seconds before a mob is dead. This is not FFXI where people will roll on the last 10 seconds left to ninja loot.
It is very simple, and a very good implementation: All loot drops under someone's name, it is his/hers to do as they please.
Put up for roll what you cannot use? That is the common way to distribute the loot that is bound to character that your character will not be able to use. There is nothing saying that you must do that. You can just as well decide that you want to pass that Reaver's Napkin to the only Sorcerer present. Or to that gimp mage, that happens to be your friend. Or decide that the cute cleric had a special care put into each of her heals directed to you, and decide that she is more deserving of whatever it is of the loot that dropped for you.
Something happened in my last DQ run: 2 wizards there (one is me), a paladin gets a green blade. I asked if the blade was going to be rolled for, the paladin passed it over to the other wizard since they knew each other.
What did i do? Congratulate her on getting her new green blade, told her that with a voice like that its no wonder the paladin wouldnt ever consider passing it to me instead and moved on. Next DQ, a new chance.
Was it fair? Yes. It was his blade to start with, he could have just grabbed it saying that he is TRing as a wizard and no one could complain. He was very nice to be passing it to someone else instead.