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  1. #1
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Monk Idea for Crafting Wraps.

    I was just thinking somehow incorporating the greensteel system to put metal threads into our wraps. Since we got cold iron threaded wraps I think right?? How about have it so 1st and 2nd tier prep the wraps and 3rd tier puts a metal of your choice into the wraps. Sounds nice to me.

  2. #2
    Hero Morningfrost's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Taimasan View Post
    I was just thinking somehow incorporating the greensteel system to put metal threads into our wraps. Since we got cold iron threaded wraps I think right?? How about have it so 1st and 2nd tier prep the wraps and 3rd tier puts a metal of your choice into the wraps. Sounds nice to me.
    My very little knowledge about crafting doesn't let me comment about this, but do you think this would workaround the coding issues with handwraps?
    Originally posted by C-Dog

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.

  3. #3
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Yea I think so, first you would have to have a way to give the wraps a greensteel flag, maybe change the coding with the Merida altar so that you can forge it with main stone you use to make blanks. Then once you have that have it so that you can put the wraps and the imbued crystal in the altar. I.E. Positive + Earth + Earth&Positive puts a Cold Iron Thread, or Negative + Positive + Negative&Positive puts on a Silver Thread. Since the code for metal threaded wraps are already in the game, the only problem I can think of it giving the random drop wraps a flag for greensteel to be able to fit into the altars. And will give a way for monks to bypass DR at a lower level instead of farming a quest which I think is awful. This gave me the idea because I don't think its fair that there is a major shortage of metalline of pure good wraps in the game, but you see every other weapon that has them on the AH frequently. So its very difficult for a monk to bypass DR unless you get lucky with pulling devouts, or you hit level 18;farm to get flagged, farm for boot mats, hope to get into Tower of Despair parties, HOPE people let you in the raid(made easier with light path monks having grasp but still, thats 1 spot to the plethora of monks that want/need rings), HOPE you pull a ring that helps your stats, then complete the raid 9 times(on normal) to even upgrade your ring(which does fit into the tier 2 altar and is not a greensteel item). Just seems a bit unfair, and maybe a developer can look at this post and maybe think of the threaded crafting as a viable idea. And furthermore, even if you pull devouts for us to do any extra damage after the fact you have to go through this same grind and put that at 18 completions for 18 trophies, when a person way before level 18 can be running around with atleast one tier 3 greensteel weapon, if not two, and even though the trophies bind to account and you can transfer them, you still have to pull the ring to upgrade, which in my opinion is alot harder than pulling a shard, since you can ransack shroud in a day, whereas you have to wait 3 days between each Tower of Despair.

    P.S. Sorry for the Wall of Text. And please any comments/thoughts on this, my idea might have some huge flaw that I overlooked.

  4. #4
    Hero Morningfrost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taimasan View Post
    This gave me the idea because I don't think its fair that there is a major shortage of metalline of pure good wraps in the game, but you see every other weapon that has them on the AH frequently.

    So its very difficult for a monk to bypass DR unless you get lucky with pulling devouts, or you hit level 18;farm to get flagged, farm for boot mats, hope to get into Tower of Despair parties, HOPE people let you in the raid(made easier with light path monks having grasp but still, thats 1 spot to the plethora of monks that want/need rings), HOPE you pull a ring that helps your stats, then complete the raid 9 times(on normal) to even upgrade your ring(which does fit into the tier 2 altar and is not a greensteel item).

    Just seems a bit unfair, and maybe a developer can look at this post and maybe think of the threaded crafting as a viable idea. And furthermore, even if you pull devouts for us to do any extra damage after the fact you have to go through this same grind and put that at 18 completions for 18 trophies, when a person way before level 18 can be running around with atleast one tier 3 greensteel weapon, if not two, and even though the trophies bind to account and you can transfer them, you still have to pull the ring to upgrade, which in my opinion is alot harder than pulling a shard, since you can ransack shroud in a day, whereas you have to wait 3 days between each Tower of Despair.
    Don't tell me, my guildies even don't want me in their Shroud parties, I have no way to bypass DR, so I'll just keep farming for collectibles to sell, and Devout sometimes. Farming the Shadow Crypt is a pain but I guess still better than begging for ToD.

    Wish the best for your suggestion, I'll probably eventually hit level 20 and TR into something more useful.
    Originally posted by C-Dog

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck but it's undead, then it's an undead duck.

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