Yesterday I was soloing STK on norm with my lvl 4 barb and Maloren (lvl 4 cleric hireling). I knew the last quest would be difficult, since I don't have any rogue skills on this build. Well I was about to enter the circular room where you have to activate the three switches, climb a ladder which is trapped with fire and have a huge amount of enemy clerics attacking you from above. I left Maloren between the shrine and the acid trap, to avoid getting him killed in the acid trap. Went well so far, until I had to climb the ladder. I was thinking, well I have enough hitpoints and its only normal, the trap cant possibly hurt that much... It would have worked, but then I got commanded on the ladder in the middle of a fire trap...
... my soul stone dropped to the ground shortly afterwards...
I couldnt reach the shrine on my own (too far away). I was about to res out, when I thought - well since Maloren is still alive, lets see what he can do to help. So I ordered him to come to me (he survived the acid trap), then I ordered him to pick up my stone (didnt even know if hirelings can do that, but they obviously can) . Then I was running back to the shrine and Maloren was following me with my soul stone, so that I could reach the shrine room. Ordered Maloren to use the lever, shrine opened - et voilá - resurrection!
I was really impressed how well that worked. He barely made it (reached shrine without spell points and was very low on health) because he had to pass the acid trap two times and was attacked by the clerics. But when he made it, it was one of these wow-moments I like to remember.
When he died in the pillar room with all the fire traps, I went back in the fire to get his soul stone - I thought I owe him that much.
Long story - short message: When you die, but your hireling is still alive - dont give up yet, there is a chance that the hireling can carry you to a shrine.