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Thread: FvS/Sorc

  1. #1
    Community Member rophez2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Question FvS/Sorc

    so i was thinking about making a FvS / Sorc levels 12/8 and was wondering what all you guys on the forums thought of it the starting stats would be

    STR = 8
    DEX = 8
    CON = 16
    INT = 8
    WIS = 16
    CHAR = 16

    end stats probably around

    STR =16
    DEX =10
    CON =24
    INT =10
    WIS =24
    CHAR =24

    thought i might be cool to have FW with heal + a bunch of buffs and some nukes

    was thinking of having something like icy raiments and the stormvault shield from Tor because it has no spell failure

    tell me what you guys think please

  2. #2
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    It's a bad idea.

    If you go with Blade Barrier, then you lose on Heal.

    If you go with Heal, then you lose the main reason to have WIS on a FvS anyway.

    Also either of those would be weaker (not to mention the Wall of Fire also being weaker) because of not taking more of the casting class.

    Plus you'll only have one Mass Cure (Light), so you won't be able to heal a large group very easily or efficiently.

    If you want to be able to both Heal and Nuke, then go Pure Favoured Soul, Human, I like Silver Flame faith (though Sovereign Host also works well) for the capstone and take Blade Barrier the second you hit level 12.

  3. #3
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    This is a massively horrible character concept which will fail in all measures of performance.

    20 FvS = 500 times better as a FvS, and better than your character as a sorcerer by using UMD for wands and scrolls.
    20 Sorc = 500 times better as a Sorc, and better than your character as a FvS by using UMD for wands and scrolls.
    Last edited by Matuse; 03-09-2010 at 01:50 AM.

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