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  1. #1
    Community Member Tormaz's Avatar
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    Default Drow Barbarian

    I know it isn't a recommended race but would it really be that bad to play one at higher levels?

  2. #2
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    While not ideal by any means, (-2 CON means shorter rages and less HP, the extra points in DEX, INT, and CHA don't help that much except for having skill points for intim, and the CHA to back it up), I have seen some that perform very well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Tormaz's Avatar
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    Mainly I ask because I have been a huge fan of Drow Elves for many years.. yes even before Drizzt was around.

  4. #4
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default no

    the power 3 for barbs are wf, dwarf & human

    the other races really have no advantage to being a barb

    you might also have trouble finding groups with a drow barb at later levels as those levels are usually played by powergamers who often frown on builds that are different

  5. #5
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    If you have 32 point buy, even an elf would be a better barbarian.. if you don't, you are basically still a very poor choice for a barbarian as a Drow.

    With 32 point buy, you lose 4 points, and gain almost nothing ( a skill point by intelligence, which you could have gotten by being a human), lose con, gain dex that does NOTHING for you as your ac will be hit on a 2... (technically +1 to reflex saves).

    The Drow SR line is horrible, all the racial weapons are bad for most barb builds.... yes. You will be gimping yourself a LOT by doing this. Can you still function at end game? Yes. You simply need to make NO mistakes with feats, skills, enhancements, and get very good loot. It is a big gimp, but it isn't necessarily the end of your build.

  6. #6
    Community Member GhoulsTouch's Avatar
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    On the contrary if you MC a Drow barbarian which I am doing right now with rogue it's excellent. It adds Con and Dex,it also gives you higher hp and DPS because of sneak attack. Both barbs and rogues have continual improvements in trap sense, you get damage reductions and spell resistances which help if you are going to be the flanker side kick. The higher intel allows you to crosstrain rogue skills easy. I was playing tank with mine in water works elite. When I get UMD up high enough this guy will have tons of fun. I am maxxed at primary rogue skills and UMD. When I level in rogue I get caught back up on the other skills I neglect when I take barb. (Just in case I ever do want to be stealthy.)

    Why wouldn't you want to add Con and HP to your Drow or Elf via taking levels in barbarian and try to strengthen probably the only one weakness the race has compared to others of flesh? Some people just don't know.

    No seriously they don't. I am not trying to be a one hit wonder when I lay in with my sneak attacks while I flank, Armor and HP help alot, the longer you can stay in combat to lay in on your sneak damage the better it is for all. I played a no miss mostly pure rogue halfling before, and after they get pounded some you are spending alot of time trying to heal to the point you can jump back in.

    I got a little flack from a particular healer however who was reluctant to heal me because then all he seen was an evasion barb Drow. That was until I whipped out a healing wand in irestone and picked him off the ground when he was incapped. I gave him a mnemonic potion and told him how I understood how hard it is to be a cleric. He was grateful, and so was I after he began to heal me more with a little more understanding. (UMD is still low and wasted alot of charges and potions can cost after awhile when you are treated with a little less respect then others getting beat on)

    Definately this is more rogue, but in the end you'll see a big difference when the dual class is more pronounced. I am not splashing either, I am making them work in conjuction with each other. Spell resistances, physical damage reductions, elemental immunities, high reflex and evasion with trap sense from both... a true survivor. You get bonuses to hit while you flank, forego those bonuses for favoured weapons to beef up your other offenses and defenses instead. Heck even take the Kopesh feat. If you split rogue and barbarian more equal you WILL do more damage then other barbs when you flank, and though you may have less hp you will be more versatile being able to both buff and heal yourself, also you'll be able get your own traps not to mention be able to see not only them but hidden enemies as you are running through scouting ahead for the rest of the party.

    Here is a small look at mine (one sec for the link.) I have yet to add toughness which will be next feat, he is also OTWF. And this is without any tomes. Definately wanted a tough versatile rogue, so dual classing with barbarian seemed a great idea and I think a Drow could pull it off best.
    Last edited by GhoulsTouch; 04-28-2010 at 05:54 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ystradmynach's Avatar
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    I was going to suggest grabbing two levels of rogue if you plan on making a drow barbarian, but I see Ghoulstouch already beat me to it, so I'll just second what he said. If you aren't planning on being a barbarian trapsmith though, there really is little point to a drow barbarian. Of course you can play any class as any race and make it work, it just will be far from optimal.

  8. #8
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    It's not ideal, but it's also far from being gimped. You lose some HP, rage duration, and racial benefits that are relevant, but you aren't going to really be less effective in any real way.

    I say, go ahead.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    you might also have trouble finding groups with a drow barb at later levels
    Not true. POWERgamers are too POWERful to care.


    This can be a pretty nice build. You can rock with a couple GS Raps and the drow rapier attack and damage enhancements.

    I would go 2 rogue. 15 min starting dex and the rest str and con.

    You should be able to pull off max intim and max umd for at least 39 so you can heal yourself between fights.

    Have fun.

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