For the record, I wasn't singling out noobs. Most vets have no concept of agro control either.
Most groups answer to solving any problem is more DPS, HP, and healing.
Any quest where these do not work are avoided. Sometimes they come back at a higher lvl (when they can do more DPS, and have more HP...etc.) But several quests in the game are hardly done at all because their usualy (lack of) tactics does not work.
Sadly, Enter the Kobold is not one of them. It can in fact be completed with enough DPS, HP and healing.
But on another note: people do try to answer people's questions as a general rule. So I don't think it is fair to blame people for not telling you things.
(whether they answer with actual fact is a different story though....most do not really know the answers that they pretend to know...including sometimes me.)