I've searched through the threads, but for the life of me cannot come up with a good VS. thread on which class is best for the splash on an 18/2 FvS / other build.
1) Ranger
2) Fighter
3) Monk
A quick run down on why one over the other would be beneficial. I know everyone chooses monk, but can't decide why. Paladin and bard just don't seem to be as worthwhile as those choices above. I've seen at lvl 4, a 2 ranger / 2 FvS does more melee dps than a 1 monk / 3 FvS. I'm not sure after lvl 8 when you pick up your second monk lvl and from there to 20 if things fall in favor of the monk or not.
An help you can offer is greatly appreciated by all those new to multiclassing with FvS.