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  1. #1
    Community Member SilentPinoy's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Weapon/Feat choice for 17 Cleric/3 Monk

    Here is my character plan as it stands. Currently I'm a 3 Monk/16 Cleric in Ghallanda having doubts about my crazy master plan. Note I did not include my skill increases.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Fyrst Oppol
    Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male
    (3 Monk \ 17 Cleric) 
    Hit Points: 200
    Spell Points: 1148 
    BAB: 14\14\19\24
    Fortitude: 14
    Reflex: 12
    Will: 21
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             13                    14
    Dexterity            17                    19
    Constitution         12                    13
    Intelligence          8                    10
    Wisdom               16                    26
    Charisma              8                     9
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 1
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 1
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               4                     4
    Bluff                -1                    -1
    Concentration         1                     1
    Diplomacy            -1                     0
    Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
    Haggle               -1                    -1
    Heal                  3                     8
    Hide                  4                     4
    Intimidate           -1                    -1
    Jump                  2                     2
    Listen                3                     8
    Move Silently         4                     4
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair                0                     0
    Search                0                     0
    Spot                  3                     8
    Swim                  2                     2
    Tumble                n/a                   n/a
    Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Monk)
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Cleave
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
    Feat: (Selected) Slicing Blow
    Level 2 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 3 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
    Feat: (Selected) Sap
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Way of the Elegant Crane I
    Enhancement: Monk Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Level 5 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Level 6 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Level 7 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 10 (Cleric)
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Enhancement: Unyielding Sovereignty
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing I
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Dexterity I
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV
    Level 15 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life III
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing III
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Great Cleave
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom III
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life III
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Spell Penetration I
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Spell Penetration II
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I
    As you note from reading my character plan I am a melee/healer build, well versed in my character at that.
    +6 stat for STR, DEX, CON, WIS
    Menos Legens
    Cinder's Dance*
    Mantle of Worldshaper
    Dusk Heart/Voice of the Master/Bottle of Air
    30% Striding/Feather Falling Boots*
    Dragontouched Outfit (+10% Healing Amplification, Corrosive Salt Guard, Air Guard#)

    *Planning to change out if better equipment is found/bought
    #Trying to make Sundering Ooze Guard.

    All this aside my real problem lies in my original intent of fighting for my build. I'm working to try and get 2 Dream Edges(0/2 obtained) and upgrade them to attain double healing from lesser vampirism and curse of healing(currently I have 50% healing intake(10 Monk/30 Human/10 Dragontouched) giving me +1 and +3 HP per hit).

    Here's how my feats and their uses breakdown for if I have dual Dream Edges.
    Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
    -Grants additional hits increasing damage output and healing input
    Empower Healing
    -Increases my overall healing magic and affects Healing Ki I and the Heal spell(I have healed for at least 114 with Healing Ki I several times, 137 at best for someone else).
    Cleave + Great Cleave
    -Hits multiple targets at highest attack bonus, maxing Ki for use and applying weapon effects to many.

    However I have been using handwraps(currently +1 Weakening of Greater Destruction) and I'm growing weary about my search for those dang kamas. Here is what I would change out if I were to give up on the Dream Edges.

    Great Cleave -> Improved Critical Bludgoning
    -Using Great Cleave with handwraps adds an extra animation, although funny to watch, does nothing but throw off timing, does no extra damage, delays the actual damage of the attack, and gets me hit. Since you can't add Improved Critical till later levels I'd chose this one first.

    Cleave -> Stunning Fist
    -The save for my Stunning Fist would sit around 24 Fortitude(if I were 20 Monk it would change to 33). Considering you can't using Stunning Fist with Kamas it would make a fine substitute.

    Retain Power Attack, Empower Healing, Sap, Slicing Blow

    Personally I want to hold out for the Dream Edges, but it looks bleaker every time I run Mindsunder.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sap and Slicing Blow is weak. Cleave is also weak because it breaks your attack sequence.

    I'd replace with something like Maximize (Blades and big Mass Cure burst), Toughness (can't go wrong with more HPs), Greater TWF (if you're into TWF, you really want this, extra attacks are extra attacks, more Ki, more damage, more everything).

  3. #3
    Community Member SilentPinoy's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen View Post
    Sap and Slicing Blow is weak. Cleave is also weak because it breaks your attack sequence.

    I'd replace with something like Maximize (Blades and big Mass Cure burst), Toughness (can't go wrong with more HPs), Greater TWF (if you're into TWF, you really want this, extra attacks are extra attacks, more Ki, more damage, more everything).
    I'd like to say thank you for your input(as useless as it was for me).

    To you and everyone else hating on my feats:

    Come to the Ghallanda lobster PVP brawling arena some time and I will show you why I sap.

    But in all seriousness I'm not asking your opinion on feats in perspective, it's my weaponry.
    And 2nd please read my build first, if you notice I do have "GTWF" already.
    3rd, I have empower healing rather than maximize spell for the cleric enhancements in reduced cost for the metamagic feat as well was it being able to affect Heal, Mass Heal, and Healing Ki I.
    4th cleave/great cleave are Ki builders(ya know using a paralyzer or vorpal kama and pressing the cleave button and it's so satisfying to watch the circle of mobs around you freeze or die instantly and Ki go from 0 to 15), I'm a healer build not a magic damage, tank, or max dps. The more Ki I build the more I heal. Ki retroactively conserves my SP for strong healing in dire moments and reviving.
    And as with my 4th point I ask again, should I retain the speed of using handwraps or hold out for kamas(green steel or dream edge). Since I am not a full monk both are 1d6 damage(green steel of course 1d8 but it's just as much a hassle to get those also)
    5th slicing blow does -2 con and 6d4 damage no cost. That's approx. 1 burning hands and the only saves are AC and DR and considering my build that's not so bad.

    As a side note I also get lots of rag for making a 3 monk/17 cleric instead of a 2 monk/18 cleric for future "PREs" and better magic. And I say look at the Wizard's Pale Master and tell me I care.
    The original Ghallanda PVP Sap since 2009
    Mystic Knight of the Eclipse

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Im making a much similar character. I did not realize empower healing worked on healing ki. On nice thing you will notice is that healing ki goes by character level, not monk level, which is very helpful.

    Not sure about slicing blow, cleave, and great cleave though. Also, with a cleric sap isn't as important as it is without. IMO you could replace all 4 of those with heighten and use that to raise the DC's of your crowd control. I can say from personal experience that being able to heighten/water stance soundburst rocks in mid level content, though I do not know about CC in end levels.

    EDIT: I was mainly writing this for other people, not the OP, of course..
    Last edited by Ellyll; 03-10-2010 at 10:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Cant muticlass bard and monk, deleted post!
    Last edited by Logic; 03-20-2010 at 12:35 PM. Reason: Cant muticlass bard and monk, deleted post!

  6. #6
    Community Member kanbeki's Avatar
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    I have a 17/3 fvs that uses fist of light finishers, i mainly use kamas and had planned on lighting strike, but I will switch to weighted/greater bane wraps every now and then
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