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  1. #1
    Community Member Aussieee's Avatar
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    Default Help! Too many handwraps!

    Running low on inventory space as usual and wondering if I should get rid of some of my handwraps and open some space. I have icy burst on all of them, can craft about any TOD ring and also working on dragon robe which should add fire burst to all of my weapons as well. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Stat damage:
    +3 Maladroit of bone breaking-I seem to use those a lot at lower level.
    +3 flaming burst of bleed-for low level as well when I TR.
    +1 Maladroit/Weighted 5%
    +1 Force/Improved destruction
    +5 Weakening/enfeebling-note that I can wear those at high level when my umd is high enough
    +5 Holy/weighted 4%-high level need umd

    +2 Banishing/weighted 3%
    +3 Smiting
    +2 Flaming/Desruption
    +4 Metalline of Parrying
    Devout Handwraps
    +5 Shock/Pure Good

    Greater Banes:
    +1 Vicious/Greater undead Bane-level 8-use them until I can switch to my next pair
    +2 Flaming Burst/Greater Undead Bane
    +1 Banishing/Greater Vermin Bane
    +3 Flaming Burst/Greater Orc Bane
    +2 Force burst/Greater Evil Outsider Bane
    +2 Anarchic/Greater Giant Bane
    +3 Shocking Burst/Greater Construct bane
    +5 Greater Lawful Outsider Bane
    +5 Shocking Burst/Lesser Halfling Bane
    +5 True Law/Greater Elemental Bane
    +1 Weakening/Greater Dragon Bane
    +2 force burst Greater Gnoll Bane
    +5 Greater Magical Beast Bane
    +4 Force/Greater Aberration Bane
    +1 Force/Greater Dwarf Bane
    +3 Force Greater Goblinoid Bane
    +5 Flaming/Greater Elf Bane
    +5 Vicious/Greater Elf bane
    +5 Flaming Burst/Chaotic outsider Bane
    Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
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  2. #2
    Community Member MarcusCole's Avatar
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    I don't think I carry the extent of Greater banes that you have but yeah, I feel your pain :\
    Ishamiel ~Rhayak ~ Badhorse ~Kyode ~ Drhorrible ~ Hjealmeh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    That's pretty awesome. Armor plated earslugs...

  3. #3
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    I'd get rid of a lot of the bane ones you have. I'd keep the various Outsider Bane, Undead Bane, Construct Bane, Giant Bane, ad Dragon Bane, maybe Aberration Bane and get an Elemental Bane, but the rest of them are soooo situational that I'd just use something like your shock of pure good or something kind of all purpose like that for other sorts of mobs.

  4. #4
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussieee View Post
    Stat damage:
    +3 Maladroit of bone breaking-I seem to use those a lot at lower level.
    +3 flaming burst of bleed-for low level as well when I TR.
    +1 Maladroit/Weighted 5%
    +1 Force/Improved destruction
    +5 Weakening/enfeebling-note that I can wear those at high level when my umd is high enough
    +5 Holy/weighted 4%-high level need umd

    +2 Banishing/weighted 3%
    +2 Flaming/Disruption
    Devout Handwraps

    Greater Banes:
    +1 Vicious/Greater undead Bane-level 8-use them until I can switch to my next pair
    +2 Flaming Burst/Greater Undead Bane
    +2 Force burst/Greater Evil Outsider Bane
    +2 Anarchic/Greater Giant Bane
    +3 Shocking Burst/Greater Construct bane
    +5 Greater Lawful Outsider Bane
    +5 True Law/Greater Elemental Bane
    +1 Weakening/Greater Dragon Bane
    +2 force burst Greater Gnoll Bane
    +4 Force/Greater Aberration Bane
    +5 Flaming Burst/Chaotic outsider Bane

    My suggestions!

  5. #5
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    wow JUST wow

    I've found that in endgame content on my twice tr'd monk that I only need 5 sets of Handwraps:

    +3 Forceburst of Pure Good with Force Crit and Icy Burst Rituals (DPS weapon of choice)
    +1 Force of Weighted 5% with Force Crit, Frost and Icy Burst Rituals
    +2 Flaming Burst of Greater Elemental Bane Force with Icy Burst Ritual
    +2 Maladriot of Bone Breaking with Force Crit and Icy Burst Rituals
    +2 Thundering of Greater Construct Bane

    I've found that anything else just isn't needed

    I am, Rameses!
    Last edited by Rameses; 03-07-2010 at 10:08 AM. Reason: damn my proof reading skillz
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  6. #6
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Dear gods, you've got more wraps than I do!
    And all the guys tease me that I collect weapons like most chicks collect shoes.

    All of these will become obsolete when you make your Greensteel Handwraps...
    OH. Wait.......

    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  7. #7
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rameses View Post
    wow JUST wow

    I've found that in endgame content on my twice tr'd monk that I only need 5 sets of Handwraps:

    +3 Forceburst of Pure Good with Force Crit and Icy Burst Rituals (DPS weapon of choice)
    +1 Force of Weighted 5% with Force Crit, Frost and Icy Burst Rituals
    +2 Flaming Burst of Greater Elemental Bane Force with Icy Burst Ritual
    +2 Maladriot of Bone Breaking with Force Crit and Icy Burst Rituals
    +2 Thundering of Greater Construct Bane

    I've found that anything else just isn't needed

    I am, Rameses!
    I don't see any Evil Outsider Bane or Metalline wraps on your list. What do you use for horned devil and pit fiend bosses?

  8. #8
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impatiens View Post
    I don't see any Evil Outsider Bane or Metalline wraps on your list. What do you use for horned devil and pit fiend bosses?
    lol I knew I was forgetting something. So yea 6 wraps:
    +2 Metalline
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  9. #9
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    I'm with Rameses on this one. I only have maybe 8 handwraps at end game.

    The ones I use primarily are x burst of weighted 5%.

    I also have a set of Metalline of PG with the icy burst affect applied.

    Then a few others that are situational.

  10. #10
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    Stat damage:
    +3 Maladroit of bone breaking-I seem to use those a lot at lower level.
    +3 flaming burst of bleed-for low level as well when I TR.
    +1 Force/Improved destruction
    +5 Weakening/enfeebling-note that I can wear those at high level when my umd is high enough

    +2 Banishing/weighted 3%
    +3 Smiting
    +2 Flaming/Desruption
    Devout Handwraps

    Greater Banes:
    +2 Flaming Burst/Greater Undead Bane
    +2 Force burst/Greater Evil Outsider Bane
    +2 Anarchic/Greater Giant Bane
    +3 Shocking Burst/Greater Construct bane
    +1 Weakening/Greater Dragon Bane

    These would be the ones I would keep if you were interested in consolidating. Try and get a +elemental of weighted 5% for epic (since maladroit works 1/10 hits). Also, try to get a RR Weighted 5% if you rely heavily on stunning.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Chonas View Post
    +2 Banishing/weighted 3%
    +3 Smiting
    +2 Flaming/Desruption
    Devout Handwraps
    I had some banishing and smiting handwraps, but don't carry them around anymore. The effect only works on crits, and since handwraps only crit on a 20, and they get to roll to save against it, they aren't very useful at higher levels. Mid levels they were ok, but not as good as a high crit range weapon.

  12. #12
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    I feel your pain as well, I have plenty of greater banes also bogging me down.

    I use them for red named unstunnable epic mobs.

    Using something like shock of pure good is extremly weak and a poor contribution dps wise. An extra 2d6 damage (with monk speedy attacks) does really add up. Not to mention if those greater banes are a +2 or above you get even more dps.

  13. #13
    Community Member sinedist's Avatar
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    Honestly, you really only need at most:

    a 5% weighted type
    a metalline type
    a banisher, a disrupter, a smiter
    two vorpal kamas
    a set of greater banes for elemental, GEOB, giant, human, undead, abb, and construct.
    Minimum of 14 weapons. (16 if you run epic and need an imp curse/destruction and a stat damager)

    If you can't disrupt, banish, smite, or vorpal it you should probably have a weighted out for it.
    If you don't have a greater bane for it, you will probably be using weighted.
    If you can't use weighted, you probably have a greater bane for it.
    If weighted doesn't apply and you don't have a greater bane, then take out your metalline and let someone else kill it.
    Last edited by sinedist; 03-07-2010 at 07:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Founder Fafnir's Avatar
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    My handwraps are as per Sinedist's suggestions. I do keep an additional general set - Holy / PG / Icyburst / Force with ML6 that are quite handy - but I try to be very tight on Greater Banes outside of the most important 4 or so. I tend to flick banes that I don't use often to a mule but if you aren't carrying them, that tells you they aren't important.

  15. #15
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinedist View Post
    Honestly, you really only need at most:

    a 5% weighted type
    a metalline type
    a banisher, a disrupter, a smiter
    two vorpal kamas
    a set of greater banes for elemental, GEOB, giant, human, undead, abb, and construct.
    Minimum of 14 weapons. (16 if you run epic and need an imp curse/destruction and a stat damager)

    If you can't disrupt, banish, smite, or vorpal it you should probably have a weighted out for it.
    If you don't have a greater bane for it, you will probably be using weighted.
    If you can't use weighted, you probably have a greater bane for it.
    If weighted doesn't apply and you don't have a greater bane, then take out your metalline and let someone else kill it.

    This is basically my setup minus 2= banish and smite. The reason is preety much anything banishable can be vorped (which is better) and smiting at high levels almost never works. I still keep disruption wraps though, which I treat like a vorp (5% chance undead roll a 1).

    That being said, 14 handwraps is still allot! Especially when you add in= invis clickies, fireshield clickies, 2 extra kamas not listed (10/20/30% healing amp kama + sup pot 6 kama for my dragonmark heals), shield clickies, abbot robe nightshield clicky, 2 GH clickies, several pots, etc. etc. So much to carry =(

    I stand behind my greater banes as well in being superior to say= force of pure good. Lets see that match my=

    Holy of greater construct bane wraps
    holy of undead bane wraps (if only greater)
    holy icyburst of greater dragon bane wraps (awesome against velah)
    shock icyburst of greater elemental bane wraps
    much much more

    BTW.. none of my wraps have force ritual on them (so they could potentially be traded). That being said I would NEVER put force crit on them over force ritual, unless they were weighted 5%.
    Last edited by Delacroix21; 03-08-2010 at 12:46 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    BTW.. none of my wraps have force ritual on them (so they could potentially be traded). That being said I would NEVER put force crit on them over force ritual, unless they were weighted 5%.
    Why? Force and Force crit don't use the same ingredients and the crit ingredients are more common/cheaper. If you have them, why not put them on while waiting for force ingredients?

    The 2nd ritual applied overwrites the first one.

  17. #17
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Props to you Aussie for the handwrap collection. I am a little bit disappointed with some of the posters advising you to go with 5 handwraps or so that to me is lazy melee play and shows up for the clerical/fvs in the group in terms of resources. Some of the posters advise you to go down to 15-20 or so handwraps which sounds more feasible although I would bank the others. Perhaps just leave those in the TR bank and then when if we get a new raid boss of that type pull it out.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

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