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Guys I want to convert my cleric to Valiance build but I have no experience in Reincarnation stuff so I need advise. The cleric is level 18 human in 32 point build. Please answer the questions below.
1) What kind of Heartwood do I need?
If you really want to switch over to my build (like someone said 18cl/2mnk is good too), then I would definitely take the last 2 levels as monk. Then use a +1 heart of wood to take rogue at first level, then level up the same as before.
2) What will be the sequence on releveling and assigning classes when I reincarnate?
I have yet to do anything other than True Reincarnate but in your case I think it will be 1st rog, cleric rest of way then monk as last two levels. I *think* this will work but I know the reincarnate process is tricky. Since you'll never have 4 different classes at the same time this should be valid though.
3) Should I level to 20 first and choose my last 2 levels as monk?Yep
4) Valiance selected race as halfling? What is the reason for the race and what is the advantanges/disadvantages over human?
Halfing was for the additional dex, the plus 1 to hit, the plus 1 to AC and plus 1 to saves. Plus the nice sneak attack bonus. Human is pretty good too. Humans would get the extra feat (for toughness), can split their bonus stats into dex and wis instead of just dex, plus human boost would be pretty nice. I personally would find the plus 5 AC or skills boost or maybe even attack boost for epic to be quite useful.
5) Is build doable or practical for Human Clerics?
Yep, might even be better for epic content if you're at all interested in that.