as for my plan, i'm rolling the dice and hoping the cleric prcs pan out and use dvs really well... i think they will. i should be sitting on a bunch of extra dvs, which though useless now, might be beneficial in the long-run. also
so that's why i keep going other classes than cleric and looking for the spell pen/dc bonuses. i intend to be cleric in the long-run even if i'm going fvs for my next tr. once they hint at cleric prcs, i will tr back
Transfer to Khyber, me and a friend are maximizing exp and not wasting the exp from any quest by camping when needed (currently 2 bubbles from level 5 but level 3).
I realize you won't transfer to Khyber, but I liked your advert and would love for a person like you to join our static group.
Kistilan I find this wrong on many different levels, however appropriate it may be.
Not sure why I keep seeing lesbian images in this forum.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind seeing some lesbian pictures from some p0rno sites, but certainly not from DDO - Argonnessen forum.
Well uh, one of them married a guy, so.... it was all propaganda.
And two, it's sort of an on-going server joke about the drama thread wars and similarities held between Khyber and Argo. Making them two heated lovers and socially-awkward subjects was only a natural gravity for artistic expression.
Besides, they're hot. It's not like the pics are fully-exposed nudes. My Little Pony has some far-more revealing guild pictures and occassionaly surface from time to time on the forums. If you want to see something inappropriate, find those beauties!![]()
Naash Bel Gur Pokee Smaki Quincie
We're not just ok....We're AOK!
Officer of Aces over Kings
the warforged must have time to gather our forces in order to kill the fleshies..
the warforged are coming clown shoes
all hail the WF
that is all.
Aten, you probably have bad experience with metalworker in ADQ2 and thought he's not very self sufficient with pots. Mind you that I ran out of pots that time, and have been carrying 200pots since.
Anyway, if you erase your false opinions on me, feel free to group with me again. Do keep note that I'm only 2-3 months old to the game, and I should be fairly geared up at lvl 11-13 (Levik's Bracers, GS gear, Bloodstone, Madstone Boots, etc). I'm TRx2 at lvl 7 (holding at lvl 6) and I'm blazing through dungeons fast on n/h without any need of healing. All I really need is a caster to haste me at a few copper pieces instead of me spending up to 900gp per haste pots every 30seconds.
I've got a couple of TR folks that I run and power level with and so far it's been smooth. My motto: solo before I even consider pugging, and if I do pug, it's for a good laugh before i go back and solo or find someone with wings that I know their name.