so, would this build even be any good? I'm thinking a 12/6/2 build of some kind, but since I'm fairly new to the game and have yet to pick a main, I'd appreciate any feedback on this idea. Would be twf with khopesh most likely.
your thoughts?
so, would this build even be any good? I'm thinking a 12/6/2 build of some kind, but since I'm fairly new to the game and have yet to pick a main, I'd appreciate any feedback on this idea. Would be twf with khopesh most likely.
your thoughts?
Assassin 1 is useless. Even if you go with 6 rogue levels I wouldn't bother with Assassin.
In general for new players I'd highly recommend pure build, or a pretty direct copy of something in the forums. MCing can be powerful, or powerfully gimping.
The first question you need to ask is "why". So, in this build for example, what do the rogue levels give you that more fighter levels and KenIII wouldn't?