I searched but didn't see much on this. What are people's thoughts on dex vs con for end game content?
I searched but didn't see much on this. What are people's thoughts on dex vs con for end game content?
Odds are you will never have enough reflex save by dex or ac by dex to matter.
Con for 99% of the builds out there. If you are new, I would advise against specialty builds anyway.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
Unless you are a finess or AC build, CON is unquestionably the way to go. Unless you can get AC in the mid-70s at the least, you're going to get hit 95% of the time at end game, so adding +1 to not enough is still... not enough.
Now, you're going to need CON even if you're finess/AC, so don't skimp. +2 CON Tome, +6 item, high False Life item... all things any character should either have or plan on having (unless the +6 puts you at an odd, in which case a +5 would work... but that's beside the point)
You gotta go Con every single time. It is not the stat to skimp on.
2 points of Con give you 20 hp at level 20. This may not seem like much, but ...
12 con - 20 hp
14 con - 40 hp
16 con - 60 hp
So on and so forth. Yes, a +6 con item is needed, as well as GFL and the like.. but if you ever wish to do Epic dungeons, you need a boatload of HP.
My sorc pushes 3200 sp and has almost 500 hp. Cha and Con are his main stats, and for good reason. Mobs in epic hit for 50+ damage, and the last thing you want is to be one-two shotted by mobs.
Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk
If you are not breaking 400hp than it is likely you are likely going to die .. alot....
Toe to toe melee will require much more than this (of course)...
I still get chewed up by devils in Amarath with 70ac, so unless you can exceed that then you should be looking at boosting your CON.
Weapons finess builds will have to find that balance point between high dex and con. STR/CON builds assume they are getting hit on every swing so they are not surprised when taking damage unlike those evasion builds who rarely got hit so did not need a lot of CON and are now finding they go *Ding* like the first time going into GH with no heavy fort at level 10.
More so when going into epic quests, as AC seems meaningless even with high AC builds, I don't know what their +tohit bonus is, but it is high .
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
You can get your reflex to 26 pretty easy. Helps a TON vs casters. You still need a lot of HP though. Even with a starting 12 con, you will want to get to 400+ HP.
No, you're not just going to die if you have less. You can do just fine with 300 even on epic but the fewer HP's you have, the less mistakes you can afford to make.
Roa - Fernian Nuker
Even as a Dex based character (which is hard to build right) you should never ignore Con, never go lower than 12