My first character was actually an elven dragonmarked build... I joined up in mod 4 back in the day, and ended up at 10 Fighter / 4 Paladin at 14 cap. I was a TWFer, 28 point build, and it rocked back then... a lot of fun to play, very survivable and could turtle up for good AC if I had to.
Now that Greater Reincarnation has come around, my plan for her has changed to 12 fighter / 6 paladin / 2 monk, but I've dropped the whole dragonmark theme. However! This character is a lot of fun to play, and you'll still be doing very good damage, especially if you keep on top of your Divine Sacrifices nearly every time they're up. I missed it, were you taking improved trip? I'd highly advise looking into it, especially since your INT is up there anyway, ESPECIALLY as a Kensai, and being a two handed fighter. If you time it right, you can trip several foes in one swing... making your squishiness almost a nil factor if things are on their back. Something to think about. (Apologies if you have it listed in the OP... kind of in a rush to type this)