You can watch your character on this site and see the stats and worn equipment.
How about being able to see (for your own chars) the questlist and status with patrons?
That would allow us to plan what quests to do during the day so we are ready for action when we log in.
At the moment i dont remember wich quests ive done on hard/elite and how i best can get those last favor points for getting a revard.
And if i could see my whole inventory i could examine them and decide what to keep.
As it is i spend a long time standing still and going through questlists and inventory when i'd rather be questing. Those small tasks would be ideal to be able to do through this website when you got 10 mins to kill. It would also encourage gametalk in guilds and forums if you easilly could see what your characters status/equipment is instead of being limited to what you remember.