Alright Mr Word Smith.
I quit the guild because an Ass clown member of the guild who ****ed with a RL friend of mine ******d him. Got it ass clown? This require principles which you have no understanding of re: your failure to acknowledge the reasons why I quit the guild. I re-joined on the insistence of the guild leader. The same person who does not care that you are no longer in the guild, deal with it looser.
FYI **** stick. Until you pay for my subscription, I reserve the right to do what I want, period. Your lame ass definition of "guild" BS doesn't rub with me, because sunshine I choose what I want to do, when I want with whom I want, stupid ****er.
As for your citing long dead heroes of Ransacked. They are dead, let it go . Mabar is gone dude, if you have not realized by now, dumb ****. They were not there, are not there and they will never return <reality check **** stick>.
Let go of the past and deal with REALITY. If you don't like it and you don't have the staying power then **** off to another MMO.
So you say you avoided me? LOL. Sincerely, after being in Archmagi, grouping with BL, CK, Pwny and many other fine guilds with GREAT players, you only disappointed me with your, "Just wait until I get this....<item, tome etc> builds. If you have "avoidance issue's" I recommend you seek professional help.
Your builds sux, you were carried through many quests, raids and contributed to drama more than success. I feel for you bro, you clearly can't build a decent toon and you make excuses as if they were going out of fashion.
Interesting to note i never touted myself to be the "best" player on the server. If you have any idea of a First person shooter (FPS) then you would understand the handicap I have with 300 latency. Until I get that down to 50, I cannot lay claim to that title. :P
As for your little small minded, petty acronym, I don't give a flying ****. It surely amuses you more than anyone who gives a ****.
J$. You are a cluster ****. Top yourself and do all of us a favor.
GL with that.