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Are you speaking from experience, as from playing high level dwarves in DDO? I am asking because I do not have such experience (yet). But in high level PnP campaigns I found that the majority of saves - and specifically the high DC saves - came from stuff that weren't spells or otherwise magical, e. g. against monster abilities (often tied to their ridiculously high stats), environmental hazards (lava, landslides, earthquakes, storms), and like you said, traps. I am not sure about environmental stuff, but I was under the impression there are plenty of monsters with special abilities as well as plenty of traps in DDO. or am I mistaken?
To the OP: as has been pointed out, the best sources for high DCs are monk builds and builds with at least 2 levels of paladin for the Divine Grace goodness. Both require you to be lawful, so barbarian would not be an option. You did mention high DPS, so what you would be looking for is either a DPS paladin going knight of the chalice (rather focussed on evil outsiders, but still decent against others), or some fighter build with splash of paladin, monk or maybe ranger if you want TWF.