Hello all!

My friends and I are new to DDO and have a question about a good group build. The three of us always play together, and as of right now we have a monk, favored soul, and a rogue making up our group. This is has been working out for us for the most part, however, we do not know how hard the later quests will become. So, we were wondering what would be everyone’s opinion on what three would make up the most proficient group. We used to play WOW and played as a paladin, mage, and priest which would mean we only needed a tank (which was a pain in the backside) and some random DPS and we were set. Would we be better off playing as a Fighter, Cleric, and a DPS or does it not actually matter all that much?

As of right now we are just casual players, but I would not rule out end game content if that will help answer my question. =)