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  1. #61
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    You NEED a cleric for nothing as many other posters have said. The mentality that you NEED one is holding you back.

    Playing Clerics and Bard almost exclusively I will not join a party sitting around waiting for a Cleric. If I see they have started without a Cleric it sends the message you are self reliant and having a Cleric is only an added benifit. If you are in a group sitting around for 45 minutes looking for a healer and have not even started the quest it sends a message of incompetance.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  2. #62
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremmlynn View Post
    Sorry, I try to, but then remember I'm playing a video game and find it impossible to take things very seriously at all. "Oh noes the noowb aint got any ghost touch, how will the rest of us become uber leet now!!!111"
    I work, have a family, and have other hobbies. So, when I play DDO I like to get the most out of my limited time. I understand not everyone will do this, as they don't value their time like I do mine(most people do value their time, which is why they don't bother PUGing).

  3. #63
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBroken_JPK View Post
    I work, have a family, and have other hobbies. So, when I play DDO I like to get the most out of my limited time. I understand not everyone will do this, as they don't value their time like I do mine(most people do value their time, which is why they don't bother PUGing).
    This I can understand, I agree that games tend to be more fun amongst those who know each other than those who may not. I just can't understand the obsession with having perfect gear on a perfect build in a perfect party with near perfect foreknowledge of what going to happen. I much prefer to take what I got with whoever joins and see if we can pull it off without all the advantages. I would much rather spend my time trying to win the ones I shouldn't than the ones I should, regardless of the outcome.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by nbennet View Post
    The problem lies with you. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    Your attitude, characters, equipment all indicate you are unfamiliar with this game, and ignorant about some of the basics and principles. Knowledgable, long-term players have offered some good, helpful advice. However, it seems as if you are less interested in accepting and using information to improve and advance your game, and more interested in whining or venting about problems that ultimately *you* are creating for yourself. If you could let go of your preconceived notions, and be open to learning, it would go a long way to solving your problems. If not, your problems are only going to increase as you gain in levels. No experienced player wants to group with someone ignorant, unwilling to learn, and with a poor attitude. It will become increasingly hard for you to find decent groups persisting like this.

    Specifically regarding your builds: DDO offers a lot of flexibility in terms of character creation leading new players to make many mistakes and sub-optimal choices. This happens to everyone - there is no shame in it. YOUR BUILDS SUCK. If you can accept this, learn why from what people are telling you, and move on to create better characters in future, you will be more successful.
    +1 rep and to rephrase...

    FOur years ago...All us vets...yeah all of us...had SUCKY BUILDS. We all re-rolled because we realised we sucked. Some of us <<cough,cough,ME,cough>>had to roll several times before figuring a single class out. We thought we needed clerics for every party.

    Fast forward 4 years...

    Most of us can do a decent character. Most of us can do workable multiclass builds. Some of us figured out the strength of pure classes. But all of us learned this:

    Multiclassing badly will end badly at endgame, unless you have friends who are willing to carry us to endgame.

    Most of us can heal ourselves, either through spells/wands/potions/abilities.

    Clerics are NOT the only healers in the game.

    Most importantly I learned, and it took two years to learn, THAT CLERICS ARE NOT LIMITED TO HEALING.

    Let me repeat that so it is understood:







    If you never played a PURE cleric in this game to at least 16, you have no idea the raw power clerics have. THe are considered one of the most powerful casters in the game. I learned and turned my healbot drow cleric into a Generalist cleric that can now solo and have a kill count and not have to laugh about it. At high level, clerics tend to kill and heal.

    NOW...I love to heal, really I do. My clerics are designed to heal first. BUT I ALWAYS carry healing pots, mem pots, wands and scrolls with me at all times. I RARELY use my mana up, saving a bit for emergancies. When my party is dead from stupid builds, stupid people, or just plain bad luck, I am usually alive. I will kill the bad guys, THEN I will rez. If I die, I can rez myself.

    As for my other charcters that play other classes, I work on the assumption that the healers in my party are idiots. No offense, but I aim for the low ground, but I do know most are not. I ASSUMEthey will not heal me, so I build my characters to the effect to heal themselves. UMD on my arcanes and rogues, Rangers and Pallys have wands, tanks have potions. EVERYONE of my charcters, healers or not, can heal themselves to a degree. They also can take of minor issues, like blindness, stat damage curse removal, etc. If the healer in the party does it, great! But I prepared forthe idiot.

    I like balanced traditional parties. I do, and always plan my parties to reflect that. BUT I make sure I can handle the non-traditional parties too.

    THis are the lessons I learned over 4 years. We assume that you don't want to take 4 years to learn either. Learn this and move on: THIS IS NOT FFXI, please stop trying to fit in that game's mold.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

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