leader of group 1: "hey, we are waiting on your for DQ2, hurry up and do DQ1 will ya"
leader group 2: "okay, but we are gonna do it on the hardest setting possible, hope you do not mind waiting"
leader of group 1: "why are you making us all wait, we wanna get this DQ2 done, do it on norm and just bang it out"
leader group 2: "but we want the challenge. I am sure all 6 of you do not mind waiting the extra time it may take to complete it. Don't want to waste an opportunity to get bad loot on elite from the DQ1 pre raid."
<after some time>
leader group 2: "hey, we just finished, coming"
leader group 1: "we did the raid, on elite, shortmanned. We were done 10 minutes ago. Doing reaver now. Sorry, hope you enjoyed the challenge."
leader group 2: "whargarrbl, well, I'll start my own group, a couple of us have to go soon, we should fill up fast"
Leader group 3: "hey, we just gotta flag dq1 first, be right there"
leader group 2: "what's taking so long, we are running out of time"
leader group 3: "it's more a challenge to do it on elite. Trying to hurry"
2 group members of group 2 have to leave as it took longer for the group to do DQ1 elite then it does for the raid on elite...they did not have time to wait.
yep, no problem...