When a player puts loot up for roll and you win, consider saying "Thank you" to them.
Maybe even say THANK YOU!!!!
When a player puts loot up for roll and you win, consider saying "Thank you" to them.
Maybe even say THANK YOU!!!!
Henrieta, Fastfeet
or thanks dude or mahalo or... sigh. politiness is dead, sadly.I fight my polite battles on bigger things, unfortunally.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Also, instead of just dropping after a quest/raid is complete, I usually find it's appropriate to say "thanks for the group"! (sometimes even trainwrecks are enjoyable).
Henrieta, Fastfeet
Why should I thank you for getting me loot? For handing me loot? I was the reason YOU were successful in that raid. If it wasn't for me, Shroud would never be completed, on any server. I am the bomb-diggidy...
/sarcasm off
Next time just loot it yourself, or pass it to a guildie/friend. Even if you cannot/will not use it, you never know what the epic version will be like. Or you might need it once you TR. ;-)
I've never had this problem so far, everyone I've grouped with has been very polite when they obtain a drop that someone else pulled. Maybe I am just lucky.
Lack of social skills, low intelligence, poor upbringing who knows just a general snapshot of the society we all live in nowdays.
A few months ago I put a torc up for roll. A ranger loots it and immediately drops group afterwards. Not a word.
Maybe they were happy on the inside.
Henrieta, Fastfeet
Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.
Holy ****, that would **** me off to high heaven... but not as much as this.
I was in a Hound run with my tank. We went in on Elite, and I was chew toy. We ended up wiping, and decided to start over on Hard. I give 6 Major mneumonic pots to the wizard who was burning through SP dealing with CC and reconstructing me. After 10 minutes of battling, we finished the raid. GG us. Loot the end chest, and the only raid item that dropped was the Tumbleweed.
Melee begin rolling. Since I have my Circle of Hatred and Cinders Band, my ring slots are full up and have no use for it, but I decide to stick around anyhow to see who wins. After everyone had rolled (and most of the melee had sub-par rolls) the Sorc and Wizard both roll, and each get the highest rolls. Now, I become quite confused as to why the Sorc and Wizzy both roll on the ring beating out the other melee.
Their response? They needed it for the tumble bonus. A tumble bonus? That's the best you can do?
Granted, it's the person who got the ring in the chests fault for passing the ring to the wizard in the first place, but people who are so ungrateful and self-serving to think that every item in a raid can be used in their build just ****es me off. Can a wizard use a 6 dex ring? Sure, buy one in the AH. Does a wizzy need +2 attack bonus? Maybe, if they had some melee capacity, I could see that. Does a wizard need a tumble bonus on an item? Why? You got the friggin spell at level 1!
It's not my place to say who can have what in a build, but understand that the raid consists of 12 people. Every single person there is vying for some type of loot, not just you.
Needless to say, that wiz and sorc will NEVER be in any of my raids ever again (and they do raid a lot).
Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk
I'm not supporting that wiz or sorc in any way, but I'd just like to point out that the Tumble spell stacks with tumble from items. It grants a +10 enhancement bonus, and it also doesn't increase with level like the Jump spell does.
Skill items grant a competence bonus in 99.9% of cases (rare exceptions include the Ventilated Bracers from the Reaver's Fate raid).
It still doesn't excuse their reasoning one jot, they were completely in the wrong.
Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk
This is terrible advice. I see this alot these days.
I guess it depends on the guild but I know my guild puts it up for roll and does not exclude puggers because they helped also, and therefore deserve a chance at loot like anyone else.
Looting something because you may or may not TR is one of the worst things you can do. Either you are or you are not dont loot something that you arent going to use right away or at least part of that character as they are nows end game plan. Theres no reason to loot a Lorricks Shield on a pure monk theres no reason to loot a ring of thelis on a rogue yet you will see people do that. Saw a sorc loot a battelcleric belt instead of giving it to the battlecleric and that was right after I gave the sorc the wild mage belt. Needless to say I wont be grouping with that guy again.
Can't say I blame them, considering how the next few posts after yours went. They probably just wanted to avoid the flaming they were sure was going to come their way.
I run the DQ on my casters fairly regularly, but wouldn't begrdudge anyone who had a blue bar and access to healing spells.
If a non-blue-bar pulls the Torc in a group that I'm in, that's OK too... they just lost out on a chance to get some stuff they could actually use, as I'm 100% certain someone in the group could outbid the bartender.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk