Halfling , 2 paladin/ 18 monk. (Er will be 18 monk once i get her levels)
Base stats:
Went 2 lvls pally for divine grace/pally toughness/pally saves boost/pally charisma enhancement and focus of
good for the concentration boost. Aura of good is also a bit helpful me thinks.
So far ive gotten to level 4, 2 pally/2 monk.
Ive taken halfling dex/ luck(the fort and reflex) and racial toughness.
And monk wisdom enhancement.
At level 4 with nothing equiped i have str=6/dex=18/con=17(took +1 con when i leveled)/int=8/wis=16/chr=16
107 hp
75 ki
20 AC
( Note this is level 4 without any equip on.)
Feats taken so far: Toughness, two weapon fighting, weapon finesse, deflect arrows.
I looked around in monk and multiclass forums and hadn't seen anything like this so i thought i'd post it and see what people thought and any advice they might have.
Also i had heard that pally's went TWF/GTWF for dps builds cause the atk/dmg bonus went on the extra attacks
granted by the two feats. Can someone confirm this or no, if it does apply to the extra attacks im thinking of taking
the pally "Exra smite evil" enhancement offered. I know that the damage bonus wouldnt be great but adding 2Xcharisma mod to attack roll would really help.
Still trying to figure if i want to take path of dom or path of light.
And if way of the clever monkey would be the best choice for the enhancement route.
I plan on taking GTWF but still trying to figure what other feats would best enhance this build.
Oh i play on khyber and this characters name is Vornado.