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  1. #1
    Community Member Euadonis's Avatar
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    Default Suggestion: The Summon Monster Spells.

    I can understand why Summon Monster started the way it did; less to code and add in and it was easier to get more done.

    Now it has been awhile and many people play and I think it is time for the Summon Monster spells to get an overhaul? What kind, you ask?

    Well, I think that, when you set the spell in a tavern or rest shrine, you should be able to pick the type of monster summoned, as listed in the PHB, as proper for each level of the spell.

    Heck, you could even add some special ones in the DDO store that may only be listed in PHBII or somesuch!
    Bestiae sumus, ut non bestiae simus. (Beasts we are, lest we beasts become.)

  2. #2
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    Does later D&D say you can pick what you summon? My memory, from v1, is that the summon monster spells get you a randomly generated monster from a table. That, I think, would be great.
    Last edited by Bogenbroom; 03-03-2010 at 04:14 PM.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  3. #3
    Community Member Euadonis's Avatar
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    You could be right. I can only go by what my DM allows and he always let me pick from the table when I cast the spell.
    Bestiae sumus, ut non bestiae simus. (Beasts we are, lest we beasts become.)

  4. #4
    Community Member PoSeiDoN78's Avatar
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    I think this idea is awesome. I have summon monster II right now. (yes I'm new) I hate the scorpion.
    Lord PoSeiDoN the 78th, DFA

    Slayer of Tim the Enchanter, Defeater of the Space Pope, Conquerer of the C.O.W., Eater of Brains

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  5. #5
    Community Member systemstate's Avatar
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    I like the idea as well. Might be cool if you could pick up a +1 summoning gem in the DDO store along with it. Similar to the loot gem, it would increase the level of the random critter you summon by 1.

  6. #6
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    IIRC in 3.5 you could pick certain summons that were close to the same alignment of your character and you'd have two - three choices. So for example if you were Lawful Good you could choose a Neutral Good or Lawful neutral monster. I liked the hippogrif when I got to that level.

  7. #7
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I just don't see why picking different varieties of worthless dungeon droppings would be an improvement over the same old worthless dungeon droppings.

    Now if you're talking about making these different varieties actually worth the arm-waving it takes to summon them, I'm all for that. Heck, I'd even be in favor of getting a control bar like the one we get for hirelings.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  8. #8
    Community Member PoSeiDoN78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    I just don't see why picking different varieties of worthless dungeon droppings would be an improvement over the same old worthless dungeon droppings.
    Hey, I liked the dog. He was quick so he was always next to me when I hit mobs. They target him, I get sneak attack damage. So nice. The scorpion, however, is slow as molassas and likes to bury itself. Not very helpful.
    Lord PoSeiDoN the 78th, DFA

    Slayer of Tim the Enchanter, Defeater of the Space Pope, Conquerer of the C.O.W., Eater of Brains

    Dictated not read.

  9. #9
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoSeiDoN78 View Post
    Hey, I liked the dog. He was quick so he was always next to me when I hit mobs. They target him, I get sneak attack damage. So nice. The scorpion, however, is slow as molassas and likes to bury itself. Not very helpful.
    I much prefer to "charm" one of the baddies - they last a lot longer than a pet. If it's important to have them follow you around the dungeon, use one of the Dominate spells. I personally prefer to just kill them if they are the last one standing.

    I know what you are saying - I used to use pets for that purpose too. Eventually, they stopped surviving the intial aggro, so I had to be fast to get that backstabbing in.

    I gotta admit, though - the Hezrou is pretty fun to have around.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  10. #10
    Community Member GreenDragonStalker's Avatar
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    I have to say the loyal hell hound has served me well right up to level 11... as a wiz he gets up in front of me and draws the agro of at LEST 1 guy sometimes even a half dozen with a well timed burning hands breath weapon. when running along he almost always catches the bad guy trying to sneak up on your back side who is invisible an gets a first hit in... he has been a very handy little puppy till now..
    the spider... freaking hopless the earth elemental slower then dirt and at most lucky if he can draw rage from to NPC's NPC spell caster ignore them and keep going for you, but at L11 they got the hit points to last a few rounds...

    me id almost wise to be able to level your summoned pet and extend his shelf life... that being said Im sure my hell hound spit a few fireballs yesterday unless im casting them with out them being memorised lol

    so in sort YES id like to be able to pick from a list for each level and for those we tend you use every day day in day out we able to bump them up a bit...

    and GOD yes a hireling type control bar PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    with option like turn off special attack or defend me meaning dont go tearing off out of sight after the mod pulling back to his buddies patrol as is stay about 10 feet away from me and orbit if im not moving till there is something to kill instead of getting earth elemental blinded when he walks up and stands right behind me.. its got to get on other peoples nerves to god knows other peoples summon over sized critters get on mine when they are standing right in my line of sight trying to get a target lock for a spell
    Last edited by GreenDragonStalker; 03-03-2010 at 04:56 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    I'm all for seeing an overhaul to the summoning system as well as adding in some more undead type summoning. I joined this game expecting to rehash my playstyle from NWN/NWN2 where I always like playing as a necromancer, Pale Master or Blackguard all of which used pets a lot. So far from what I have read the summons in DDO are pretty underwhelming. My wizard is only lvl 2 so I haven't had a chance to see first hand how good or bad it actually is.

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